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Simon M

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Everything posted by Simon M

  1. Whatever the weather, as we move further into Autumn I'll be glad when I no longer have to hear or read the phrase "warm sunshine" again, at least until next Spring. I don't know why, but that phrase really annoys me.
  2. You're probably right. I'm definitely a cold weather lover but given the circumstances a bland, bang-average and uneventful winter would probably be best right now.
  3. Well it's cooler than yesterday which is good, but it's still warm indoors and the humidity is still with us. I haven't seen any sign of storms either despite the yellow warning.
  4. I mean, what do you want then? For the entire island of Great Britain to be dragged south 10 degrees so it isn't too dark in the mornings? Complaining about the weather is one thing but complaining about day length at certain latitudes seems especially redundant.
  5. Don't want to be that guy, but the shortening of the day length is at its most rapid now, a couple of weeks either side of the equinox at around 4 minutes per day. As we get later into the year that starts to slow down again, but the days continue to get shorter all the way to the solstice, just at a progressively slower rate.
  6. Jeez it's warm, and I see no chance of getting any decent sleep tonight. If only it was around 4-5 degrees cooler it would be so much more pleasant. Temps around 24-25 by day, 13-14 by night I can deal with but this...
  7. Well it is too hot for some people (me included), and our tolerance or otherwise of heat isn't boosted by the fact it hasn't been a "good" summer. If anything the fact this weather has come so late in the year and after such a long stretch of cool and cloudy weather makes it even worse.
  8. A pleasant enough day today but with temps set to rise a little more in the next few days I fear things may start getting a little uncomfortable. I'm certainly looking forward to the cooler weather due by next weekend.
  9. Well that's the washing nice and dry. I must say I'm really enjoying this cool-ish, cloudy and dry weather. Perfectly usable you might say and I'm still not sweating which makes it even better.
  10. Cloudy and much cooler feel to things today, which is nice. Still able to get the back lawn done since it's been quite dry, and with the cloud cover and cool breeze I didn't even break out into a sweat.
  11. Send some of that cloud my way would you, it's sunny here and it's getting a little warm for my taste.
  12. Nice out again today, with sunshine and a fresh breeze. Almost feels autumnal out there.
  13. Today has been, dare I say, a pleasant enough day. Light winds, low humidity, moderate warmth and sunny spells. If all sunny and warm days were like this I wouldn't mind summer so much. I hope it doesn't get too much warmer than this though.
  14. The Sun's come out now. Is it just me or is the MetO having real difficulty pinning this summer's weather down? Yesterday they extended today's Yellow warning for rain westward to include my part of the Midlands, yet waking up this morning the warning has been withdrawn. Today's widespread rain has now been downgraded to a chance of showers and sunny spells, and this isn't the first time they've flip-flopped on their forecasts.
  15. Been looking and feeling more and more like Autumn now, but you just know September will have something up its sleeve. How likely is a 90F reading in the UK in September I wonder?
  16. I'm sweating again (I hate sweating) and suddenly realising - with an unpleasant jolt - that it is still technically Summer. At least the days are shortening rapidly now.
  17. But could you just imagine the chaos if we could do something about it? Snow in mid-August, heatwaves over Christmas, the weather changing every five minutes? And the arguments: "no! It's MY turn on the magic weather machine!".
  18. To you maybe, but that scenario you wish for is my idea of hell. The current set-up is ideal summer weather for me.
  19. I'm really enjoying this weather. I can go about my normal daily activities without sweating. Slept well last night too.
  20. That's true. I often enjoy the Sun more in autumn and spring, when the heat is usually less intense. Nothing better than a fine October day with sun and 22C.
  21. When I look back to how hot it was just a fortnight ago this weather feels like even more of a blessing. To be able to work and go about other daily activities without constantly sitting under a fan, sweating and feeling uncomfortable is heaven.
  22. I can see it on the radar, just to the south of where I am. I'm not too keen on thunderstorms so you're welcome to it!
  23. Really starting to notice the earlier nights now, and according to Time and Date we get our first actual dark night tonight (well, tomorrow morning but YNWIM) wince the 17th of May. Not long 'til autumn now.
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