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Simon M

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Everything posted by Simon M

  1. Oh sleep, my old friend welcome back! Much cooler today and more pleasant with it. I hope temps stay roughly where they are now with no more excessive heat.
  2. If I never see the phrase "plenty of sunshine" in a weather forecast it'll be too soon. Roll on Autumn.
  3. Already got fans running, and a mini ac unit too. Still uncomfortable, and I still have to go out from time-to-time, like everybody else. And yes, I'd say anything above 20 is uncomfortable for me. I do apologise! It's not the dark ages, it's the 21st century, there's plenty you can do to mitigate the effects of dark, cold weather. Wear thicker clothes, turn the heating up, hell there are even lightbulbs that emit light in a sun-like spectrum to mitigate the effects of winter light levels for SAD sufferers.
  4. It's a moans thread, among other things. I hate warm weather, I dislike the sun. Why is that "wrong"?
  5. I despise this weather. My bedroom is already getting uncomfortably warm and there seems to be no end in sight to this. The only crumb of comfort is we are already within a few weeks of the longest day and the nights will start drawing in again within less than a month.
  6. Oh sure it would, but they would be an occasional occurrence, with plenty of cooler weather in between.
  7. All this talk of tropical nights and supercell thunderstorms is making me break out in a cold sweat. I hope we get a "traditional" summer this year with none of the crazy extremes of recent years. Hot weather is exhausting, especially with warm nights making sleep difficult.
  8. I'm probably the only person who is pleased with the current cool outlook! At least we've had a nice bit of rain today to freshen things up, indeed the air was lovely and fresh once the rain pushed through this evening. I'm very much enjoying not sweating and long may it continue (sorry no offence heat lovers, I'm sure your turn will come once summer arrives).
  9. I must say I'm enjoying this cool spring weather. Nice for sleeping in, and anything that delays the heat and humidity of summer is fine by me.
  10. This dry weather is getting boring now. Can we please have some showers and a bit of a breeze? I miss April showers.
  11. Nice to see some cooler weather again for the next few days. I know a lot of people hate cold weather at this time of year but I hate the warm any time of year!
  12. Judging by the winds my area experienced with that storm the MetO called it right. It was blustery for a time but nothing like as much as we had last February. Other areas of the country may have had it worse but I doubt the impacts anywhere were as big as they were with storms Ciara and Dennis in 2020.
  13. Judging by the current model output it's almost certain. Widespread warning will be issued too.
  14. Awful weather today. Whether you prefer it mild (yuck) or cold this kind of weather isn't much use to anyone, especially on a Saturday.
  15. Well you can look on the bright side with the fact the warmer half of the year is rapidly approaching. Me? I think I'm going to invest in some portable AC and blackout curtains for the months of sweaty misery ahead.
  16. And some of us like the cold and hate the heat. It's time to understand that.
  17. That's very true, but that makes the longing for snow to return even stronger.
  18. Mild and damp out there now, which is very unpleasant IMO. I'm missing the snow already but it looks like I'll have to wait for December now at the earliest.
  19. Back to the usual mild weather then after a decent winter. Personally, I hope it rains all summer. I hate the heat and sun.
  20. It'll be a real shame if we don't see any more cold this winter. I've thoroughly enjoyed the cold and snow this winter, and the thought of the upcoming spring transition to warmth and sunshine is depressing.
  21. So winter's more-or-less over then? I suppose it was inevitable, since as soon as the damned Atlantic gets revved-up it's pretty much impossible to stop. If that's the case I hope it stays in charge right the way through spring and summer - if there's one thing I hate more than mild winters it's hot summers.
  22. When I look back to how things were this time last year, with storms Ciara and Dennis blowing through on successive weekends it's hard to complain about this winter. However, it would be a massive shame if this current spell proves to be the last of the winter. I have a nasty feeling that it will though.
  23. And there you have it, the "great British weather" in a nutshell.
  24. I'm enjoying the cold this winter and although it looks like we won't be seeing a huge amount of snow this week at least the mild, wet dross is being kept at bay for now.
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