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Everything posted by 7andY

  1. As my son says, I live in the anti-snow capital of the UK. Not seen any snow for a few years, and not likely to see any anytime soon!! Often lots of snow on the Cotswolds and in the Forest of Dean, but none in the Vale of Severn.
  2. ...so how long do we wait before we can discern a trend from these new instruments? It seems we should have to wait several decades, unless we join the 'naysayers' and have discernable trends over much shorter time periods... 7&Y
  3. Started snowing about 4:30am (CCTV says so!) and finished about 6:00. Left about 20mm on all surfaces except roads and pavements, which were clear. Melted by mid-day. Must have been fairly sticky as my weather vane and anemometer both jammed up until mid-morning! Registed as 2mm of rainfall (when it melted into the gauge...) 7&Y
  4. ...aahhh - 'tis rain, I'm afraid, falling right now. Very heavy though! 7&Y
  5. I read the 20 reasons - take issue with just one. I always thought the reason the Thames didn't freeze over in '63 was because of a power station upstream of London pumping out warm water. The Thames froze in London as that is where tidal slack water occurred. Upstream the flow was too high, and downstream the water too salty. The last 'Ice Fair' was caused by ice floes jamming up against the old London Bridge, not a straightforward freezing of the river. Not a big issue, but facts need to be right to be effective... Cheers, 7&Y
  6. Wasn't the pre-Copernican Solar System (the Earth centric one) subject to such 'peer review' rigours? After all, for many years, all were agreed that it fit the observations.. It wasn't until somebody challenged the belief (and was punished by the establishment for doing so) that the real situation was revealed. Following the majority point of view does not necessarily make it the right one! Which is why many hereabouts are trying to sort the wheat from the chaff for themselves, in the midst of the 'Fog of Climate Change'!!! Cheers, 7&Y
  7. ...would this be like the way that the stats were 'arranged' to produce the now (in)famous 'Hockey Stick' temperature graph??... Cheers, 7&Y
  8. Yeah - OK. I'll pop up above the parapet. I have had my views changed like a yo-yo in the last few weeks. I was one of the sheep that believed all the political noise, and agreed with the doom and gloom merchants. I wasn't convinced it was all our fault; I felt there were some natural causes in there somewhere, a thought I kept to myself in polite company. (Have you noticed how Climate Change has been added to Politics and Religion in the banned topics??) But this thread has been a revelation. I watched the program, and was instantly swayed the other way, with lots of 'how dare they do that's along the way. The reasoned approaches I've seen on here have made me think long and hard about the whole topic, rather than be swept along with the rhetoric, like most of us are, initially, if we're honest. My thoughts are now firming up a lot more to come round to the idea that there are probably a lot more Natural Cause in it than perhaps a lot of people will give credit. Make no mistake, things are definitely warming up out there (pun intended!), but I certainly think we need to listen more carefully to both sides, rather than listen to that which is force fed to us. What to do about it is the rub, though!! There are probaly more people changing their minds (both ways I'm sure!), but don't bet on them popping up too soon. If they're like most I know, they just keep quietly to themsleves, thinking 'I never knew that', and slowly evolving what they think. They just probably won't tell us... I'm glad I read these forums (fora??). I've learned a lot in a few weeks - thank you one and all - pro's and anti's - keep it up. Cheers, 7&Y
  9. ...ummm where in my post do I accuse scientists of using this argument. I don't, because I know they won't. It was aimed at those (non-scientists) that try to use it. And yes, all the land based ice & snow, and some of the grounded sea ice would contribute to sea level change. Cheers, 7&Y ...sea ice is 'clean' water - there is no salt in it. It precipitates out as the water freezes. This is shown by the increased salinity in the layer of water just below the ice. In fact, the Saudis had a plan to tow icebergs into harbour, allow the water to melt, and, fresh water being lighter than sea water, it would float on the top, and pump the stuff off... Turned out to be cheaper energy-wise to just de-salinate sea water! Cheers, 7&Y
  10. Basic physics. For a body to float it must displace it's own weight of water, and this includes floating ice. As the ice melts into water, it contracts (yes, water expands as it freezes - burst pipes in winter anyone?) and occupies the space that it displaced, having a Specific Gravity of 1 (ice has a SG of 0.9168 - that's why it floats - and why 9/10 is below the waterline). Melting floating ice will not contribute to sea level changes. QED - no more please. Go read your Physics textbooks if you don't believe me. Another little nail in the GW lobby coffin for those who try to use this one! 7&Y
  11. Well, I'm very sorry, but on those totals, the unit will have to be called a Gloucester! We had 5cms on Thursday, which was gone by Friday pm, and what's this 'couple of Wednesdays ago' ?? - didn't see any at all then... Discuss Andy (Snowless) E.
  12. Ahhhh - snow in Gloucester is all melted... You need to go above 200m for snow now.
  13. Snow started falling here at about 8:30am. Good steady stuff, not settling too well though.
  14. Quick pic of my back yard. http://www.kandy.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Patio.jpg
  15. Started snowing here about 2:30am, and still falling, currently about 5-6cm. Temperature varying between -0.1 and 0.0! Can't tell you the wind speed - my anemometers jammed up with snow!! but it's E and NE, was gusting to 12-13mph. RH86%, DP -2.6
  16. Current conditions down here in the Severn Vale (11:30am) -2.0 degC DP -3.7 degC RH 88%(!) and sunny, no wind. Overnight low of -5.9. I still think that we will get some snow, quickly turning to rain, and the models seem to confirm this now. Never mind. We are very patient down here in the South. We're used to disappointment! We'll just sit back and wait for the next time... 7&Y
  17. Just had a quick look at the models. Good old Gloucester! Snow then rain and it's all over, temps to 8deg by midday Thursday 8-( In the last 15 years, I have seen lying snow (not including showers of just a few flakes!) only twice, and only one of those was over an inch... How does that compare with Carlisle and Abingdon ???!!! Have fun where you get the white stuff! Cheers, 7&Y
  18. Why did you have to put that great big black blob over Gloucester. I know we don't usually get snow down here in the valley (and I don't expect any this time either!), but that blob is just rubbing it in 8-( 7&Y
  19. Heavy snow falling at 3am this morning with about 2-3 cms lying. This morning still snowing slightly, but a thaw of all lying snow by 2pm.
  20. Text message from son - snowing and settling in Ringstead, Northants...
  21. Churchdown, Glos. 50m ASL. 10:30 am. Temp = 0.5deg C. Light snow flurries. Nothing discernible on the ground.
  22. Churchdown, Glos. - not far from Birdlip, but 200m lower! An overnight dusting. Temp 0 deg. and sunny. Snow melting in the sun but continuing to lie in the shade.
  23. Snowing heavily here in Churchdown, Glos. - and trying desparately hard to settle! Current temp 0.6 Wind NE force 3. Edit 18:40 - now just a wet mess... :blink:
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