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Everything posted by LeveLUP

  1. Allseasons-Si If you've got that right I'm in a great spot to watch it from my Bed!
  2. Just had a massive flash and bang here. Almost like a Flashbang (without the immediate bang) it was so bright!
  3. Not gotten any storms down here in Horsham but got that classic rain that indicates instability. Big droplets not very heavy and also warm
  4. Heavy rain has started here. Not much activity though the odd rumble and flash but it is CG
  5. I'm getting the odd rumble here but it's not super eventful Snapchat-218605590.mp4
  6. AND WE HAVE IGNITION kinda to my south west and not very strong
  7. Yup barely dropped the temperature. Felt cooler for a bit but it stopped about 2 minutes ago and already feels like I'm back in an oven
  8. I believe it seeing as the Met office has a warning out
  9. I'm getting weird rain here. Big droplets but its light. Not sure if that means anything though
  10. Well that was disappointing. I could count the amount of thunder and lightning on one hand . Still raining though!
  11. Sounds like a cell is starting to grow around me just seen a flash and hear a booming thunder.
  12. Very gentle rain here. Nothing storm related at all yet...
  13. I've always loved how storms are always attracted to BBQ's must be the heat from the coals
  14. Some of that is suspiciously circular so it could potentially be a weird radar anomaly?
  15. PXL_20230618_021643668.mp4 Well I've just been woken up by VERY heavy rain and frequent ish lightning (couple of flashes a minute) it seems to be calming down here but the RAIN oh my lord
  16. Just heard some distant thunder over my way. Looks like I'm sandwiched between two cells to my North east and south west. Praying the system south of the Isle of White will make it over... The current system over Littlehampton will probably clip me unless it suddenly turns north The system in red is the one I'm keeping an eye on
  17. I'm hearing an uptick in activity. The system is still developing going off the radar. Finally something on lightning maps Edit: rain has started
  18. Just heard thunder by Horsham again sounded to my Northeast. Probably to do with this system.
  19. I'm praying that'll head over my direction its roughly in the right area if it tracks NE
  20. Honestly I could settle for just rain as I want the humidity and temperature to drop.
  21. Still waiting for action down here obviously storms are scared of me
  22. Its starting to Grey over above the house now. Wondering if I'm about to get something to go pop above
  23. Nothing here yet and we're nearby to that line (though towards the bottom)
  24. Then there's me basically 6 miles away in a direct line getting zero rain and it's still baking Just hoping we get something later even though I'm outside the warning area from the MetOffice
  25. I loved watching his coverage during storm Eunice
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