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Everything posted by Ben_

  1. This particular ECM run might not be great, but it was quite late to the party for the cold spell at the beginning of the month.
  2. All this talk about 850 temps and not being cold enough to snow. I'm currently watching it snow just outside Weymouth. Definitely only expected rain, it's not even particularly cold today.
  3. Remember when sunspots were blamed for a cold spell breaking down. Well ........
  4. There's a fair amount of pretty mild runs in there too. Without counting them, looks about a 50:50 split
  5. There was loads of snow on the Isle of Portland too, drifts around 4ft in places.
  6. The cold definitely stood up against the low that only a week ago was threatening to go up into the midlands. Barely any change in conditions in Weymouth and Portland, and only a tiny flurry of snow, in what was predicted to be mostly rain, and a lot of it. Maybe the models have underestimated the strength of the block. It'll be interesting to see how this mild blip/spell keeps getting modelled over the upcoming days
  7. Dorset took a pasting from that. Big snow drifts followed by freezing rain. I couldn't get off of Portland for two days due to the ice.
  8. New to posting here, been lurking and learning for a few winters. The potential cold is all looking very promising, is it safe to talk about it to the wife yet?
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