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Sun Chaser

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Everything posted by Sun Chaser

  1. Sod's Law has really been going for me this year, the weather turned nice as soon as I started my exams in late May and soured at the end of June just as I finished them. I will say though, we had a good 10 day run here too. Breaking the September heat record for Plymouth just as I leave was a nice parting gift I guess!
  2. I think this is mostly right except the snow haters bit. Most people I know prefer summer but when winter comes snow makes it a lot more enjoyable for them. Obviously with older people I can understand why they might not enjoy it so much!
  3. Seeing a lot of people posting the mid-high twenties on here today while this is the worst day I have seen so far this month. Glad to be moving to London tomorrow where the weather is generally much better!
  4. Interesting set of ensembles... can't be ruled out entirely with the 850s on a lot of those members!
  5. Any sign of a late September/early October heatwave?
  6. I agree, 2012 was dire. 2007 was inoffensive and benign from late July onwards while 2012 remained very wet here and never really stopped until the end of the year. The main problem with 2007 was the overall lack of heat: the 3rd warmest day of the year was in mid April!
  7. Thinking about this in every April since 2017 we've had a sunny and settled spell coinciding with the particular period April 18th-21st, with 2018 and 2019 being very warm. Even wet ones like this year were good at that point
  8. Yes. 2007 was an awful year pretty much non-stop from May 6th onwards with very little settled weather. Even spring/summer 2012 in all its horror was punctuated by a week-long warm settled spell every 2 months or so
  9. Late October always seems to be very wet but in my memory we've had a lot of downpours particularly on the 24th. On the flip side, we almost always seem to get sunny weather in late February, late March and late May. I would nominate May 27th as being sunny and warm almost every year, even in more unsettled Mays like 2021 and 2022.
  10. I could definitely see it happening seeing as the CET is above 20c right now!
  11. GFS is trying for another burst of heat this weekend (at least in the south) and then another one into FI. We may not be done with the hot weather just yet...
  12. 00z wants some heat back in just 5 days! Interesting to see such a huge split in the models at such a short distance away. I'm moving to London on the 16th so it would be a memorable first weekend for sure
  13. August 2021 had a nice period here from the 21st-29th, not quite clear blue skies but a good mostly sunny and dry spell with 23-24c every day. On the 30th it suddenly turned very cool and remained so until we suddenly broke the September heat record out of nowhere the following week (until it was broken again this year) Interesting it was so nice in Scotland though, I had no idea. It was a very odd omega blocking high that trapped a lot of cloud but it was centred in the north of the UK which must have given you better weather.
  14. Even that cooled down significantly by the 27th and the month ended on a cool note. The same with the brief hot spell in 2017 Have there been any spells of at least 27c+ recorded this century in the last 4 days of August? I know Aug 2013/2016/2022 ended fairly warm but not hot by any stretch.
  15. Raining hard this morning. The heat was nice while it lasted! Some partly sunny or dry days in the low 20s coming up though so, it could be a lot worse. Just wish the rain would stay away until November after such a wet spring and summer!
  16. I guess it's still front loaded because the June spell had longevity from (in some places) late May until the very end of June. It's been a very memorable 10 day spell in September but the month as a whole probably won't be anywhere close to June by the time it ends
  17. Had a thought: if we replaced the second half of July with this first half of September, summer 2023 would easily be seen as a classic! With such a classic June and a hot "end of July" it would be remembered very well
  18. Happy birthday! First half of September weirdly enough is probably one of the best times of year to have a birthday weather wise, always seem to get some really nice hot/warm and dry days.
  19. Holding out for another burst of heat or warmth in late September or October. 2011 showed us what's possible. If not that then a sunny October would be nice as well like 2018
  20. "Feels like" 39 degrees. Absolutely insane spell of weather.
  21. We are recording our highest daily average dew points on record as we speak. You know it's humid when the AVERAGE dew point is reaching over 20c. Not even July 2022 or the very humid July 2021 spell managed anywhere close to this. But as Scorcher said, I'm loving the novelty of it. Not every day you get this!
  22. We only had 2 days of 30c+ in that spell, pales in comparison to Aug 2022 which had 4 days in a row of over 32c. Completely unprecedented. But for here to be recording 30c in September, that's a first!
  23. How many are we at for September 2023? Will it be 6 by tomorrow? Pretty impressive for an *autumn* month to equal the longest spell of 30c+ in London in years.
  24. We had a tropical night on the 4th! Our first since July 2016 as well so pretty good going for September. 30c for October 2023!!! I am feeling it, this is the year.
  25. This has to be the best September spell of this century and probably back a lot further than that. Over a week of 30c+ every day out of nowhere is absolutely insane this time of year! Plymouth recorded 29.6c today, which is a new September record! It's not just the intensity but also the length of the heat which looks to be lasting the entire first 12 days of this month. It's just been absolutely glorious. I could never complain about high 20s and clear blue skies. GFS 12z even keen for another plume later this month. September 2023 bound to be a classic!
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