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Lightning Ed

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Everything posted by Lightning Ed

  1. So you get out of a car, camera in hand and get struck by lightning but hardly flinch and dont drop the camera or get knocked to the ground.. Seems really odd to me.. not impossible just unlikely?
  2. here for more info: http://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-prevent-lens-flare/
  3. My view also. Plenty more of this time for a few hours sleep
  4. Strongest gust so far at 3.03am (wont give the speed as my wind sensor seems useless in its current location) but made the house rattle a little bit. Oh and pressure still falling with 16.8mm of rain since midnight.
  5. Winds at their strongest here, 30mm of rain in the last 24 hours. Still intensifying. 983mb and now dropping 1mb/hr (was 3mb/hr)
  6. Lots of people asleep I guess, starting to pick up here Strongest winds have been in the last 15 mins...
  7. You don't think that its more to do with the target audience? The BBC are frequently accused of dumbing down weather reports so that the 'public' can understand. They can't win either way. Explain in full detail, most the audience wont understand or to simplify and the purists/scientists complain of lack of information or incorrect explanation. Its a hard thing to balance.
  8. Quite agree. It seems remarkable that this system was picked up this far in advance before it was possible to physically measure it at all. I get quite annoyed by people who still state that we are no better at forecasting weather now than in the 80's for reasons like this.
  9. I was wondering this. My guesstimate would be that it has something to do with the interaction of the atmosphere vs the sea (or lack of it) in that part of Europe that seems to lead the storms up the channel rather than across straight to middle Europe.
  10. Can look after myself fine. More worried about those around me...
  11. Anyone else quite terrified for the possible worse outcome here... It could really really be quite nasty.
  12. Got to say with all the red on the NW Extra radar I expected more in the way of rain. It all pretty much passed over me in the SE and all I got was 5.3mm.. Yet the Radar shows RED! I think I'm too used to the old scale still. Red used to mean excitement not 10ish mm/hr boo!
  13. Harry the best is about to have passed you with nothing behind it looking at the radar. Perhaps half an hour to an hour left for you...
  14. And as I type, Thunder/Lightning at a distance of just 2 miles from the North Surrey downs.
  15. I see that the system has now changed direction for the SE, rather than moving NW its now moving NE. Excellent...
  16. Looking at the radar the system just passing the BoB and now over Rennes has just taken an easterly track.. how odd... I wonder if the whole thing will go further east and mostly miss the UK like the big bit in the channel right now...
  17. So going to be storm chasing tomorrow if this looks to come off... :)
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