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I can't believe it's not better

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Posts posted by I can't believe it's not better

  1. Yeah Jethro. Humanity. Accent is part Islington, part Cardigan and part somewhere 'I'm having a mental block' Europe!

    I've been meaning to start a thread about using urine :blush: as a fertiliser. I do it all the time :closedeyes: I have a good little book somewhere that I can't find called 'Liquid Gold'. It's all in there and it's partly the way forward. In UK society it seems we'd rather not think about no.1's and no.2's. Just flush it/them down the loo (more electric required at the sewage works) - all that nutrient! Nitrogen loving plants love wee wee. (#1's is high in nitrogen - eg. sweet corn, green leafy plants). Disclaimer: But beg, steal, borrow this book before starting that sort of thing folks - don't just start pooing and winkling in the lettuce patch, 'cos it's not that straightforward :wacko: .

    The water that flushes the toilet doesn't just get there without effort. It uses a whole number of electricity consuming processes to make it absolutly fit to drink and then needs pushing along miles of pipe (friction) and up to the altitude of your house (Potential energy =Mass x 9.8 x Height). Shame to just flush it all away after every single #1.

    Corn on the cob anyone?

  2. I was drinking Kaliber + speckled hen the other night and I don't recommend that at all. Taste's like unfermented beer (if you've ever made beer - highly recommended). Whisky + stout, sounds proper. Boiler maker - will remember that one when I'm not driving!

  3. I ain't even going to try to write this, so over to the man himself....

    'Hmm, a number of theories on this from sensible all the way to giant turtles. For most of us the question itself has a bad assumption in it. Time did not exist 'before' the big bang. So there was no 'before'. Essentially Time is a dimension (one of at least 4, maybe 13+ if string theory turns out to be correct). As you go back towards the beginning of time then time and space sort of merge/swap places. Rather than time being tracked back in a straight line to the 'beginning' it starts to curve as you get there and never quite reaches it (asymptotic). I think there is a good image of it in A Brief History of Time (sad, I know, but someone did actually read it).'

    How do we know that was really Mr Roo saying this stuff?!

  4. Had a small storm around here about 1-2pm. Saw a couple of flashes ( about 10 seconds between flash and thunder, 2 miles?). Quite a shock wave with one of them, thumping the plastic windows in my workshop. Went out in the car and saw a spectacular cloud-ground, amazing how a spark can travel that distance. Looks dark to the SE at the moment - hopefully more here this evening. Didn't get much rain earlier, the radar looked alot more impressive. Great cloud forms/colours today.

  5. I hope they don't choke whoever it is. I'm a veggie myself - imagine eating 72oz of Linda Mcartney sausages in one sitting. It beggars belief. How does she still make them?

    It kind of reminds me of Bodmin the giant rabbit - who can polish off an entire lettuce in just one sitting (so I've heard).

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