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Everything posted by MPfreeUK

  1. batch uploading a few vids onto my youtube now, the best ones have the biggest file sizes and are still uploading, so will take a bit of time for them to finish A screen grab from one of the vids http://www.youtube.com/users/ejnmedia
  2. absolutely fantastic, no CG seen bit some fantastic IC overhead. Pouring down now. Enjoying this and some vids will be posted
  3. fantastic storm to south, flashes every few seconds, hope the videos will come out well......
  4. Vids uploading slow, the 1st 2 not as much action, the better stuff is in the later videos. As they are 60fps hd videos, they are very large for the amount of time, so taking awhile to upload , and more to appar in HD on youtube
  5. Videos uploading to youtube in HD...... will be on my channel shortly. (First in standard quality then in HD when finishes processing). http://www.youtube.com/user/ejnmedia Looked out front window to south west and can see dark cloud are with flashes coming from it, so hopefully some more action
  6. Still lots around here in crawley, seems to be growing as now filming to north and when i return to front window there is even more blackness to the south west. Just missed a crasker of a fork on film, best one i see, .plugged in cam to upload and there it was
  7. Rain getting up now, wind getting stronger, really fresh cool breeze coming in through window now. Some more footage being filmed in high def
  8. kicking off to the east of crawley now..... some good HD footage going up on my youtube account
  9. weak storm just passing to my west in crawley, got a couple of flashes on video which i am uploading to youtube. Seems to have moved to north now
  10. Now got a webcam up pointing north. hopefully may catch some stuff soon http://www.justin.tv/mpfreeuk Webcam is an Apple iSight Firewire on windows
  11. just drove up to the shops nearby and saw some flashes from this beastie to the south/south east
  12. Another really heavy band of rain passing over now........ couple of rumbles here too
  13. Just uploaded a short video clip onto youtube of the heavy shower that just passed over, producing some thunder after is passed.
  14. Just had a really heavy shower with a distant clap of thunder about 25 mins go, the shower heading off to west. Did a couple of small vids of the cloud formations before and after, was driving during the extremely heavy rain so couldnt film.
  15. rain now starting to ease off now....... after all me palava of finding camera ect its fizzled out just south of here.... not even weather comes to crawley time for bed now me thinks
  16. tell me about it, seems like all the distant flashes and rumbles i saw to south east is what is passing over now, just heavy rain now and nothing more, looked really promising about 40 mins ago as the heaviest stuff seemed to be heading for us, now the main part seems to be shorting to south west of me
  17. Heavy rain and no more flashes or thunder heard.... bah..... bet its done the usual again and missed us :/
  18. is the weastern storm de-intensifying, not heard mush from it in awhile apart from rain
  19. Just started raining, large drops splatting on road atm, some fairly loud distant rumbles now Camera on standby
  20. Here it comes 2 long rumbles one after other.
  21. Hear a couple of faint rumbles and now just hear first audible indoors rumble, seems to be cell to east of me
  22. Sounds like a distant rumble here in crawley, not 100% sure as airconditioning is on upstairs, just heard a deep rumble.
  23. It is me or is that blob on the meteox radar ahead of the main western cells towards eastbourne growing larger, if so could this mean the main even will exlode even more as it hist land?
  24. mist rolled in here now, very humid now. the rain smell getting stronger and the distant high level flashes are getting brighter, saw one in the room without looking directly out of window
  25. Damn why can i not be at work, transferred to T.W. PC World as a computer tech couple of months back and storms seem to miss me at home and work lol.
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