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thunderhead 2005

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Everything posted by thunderhead 2005

  1. How do you work out the CCL level (Convective Condensation Level)
  2. London has quite alot of CIN but no cape even though the temps are around 30'c, but Devon Chart is interesting higher amount of Cape and lower CIN values. what temperatures would devon need to break the cape wasn't it 43'c?
  3. The Convective inhibition (CIN) seems higher than available cape will this be an issue also?
  4. Yeah normally 90's plume events where always between 6-8pm, i think it has alot to do with the position of the low aswell and the veering winds. Would be interesting to compare a plume event from the 90's and compare it to the 20's i bet that the Low was further south (around spain) which mean that storms would come from the SE to NW.
  5. One thing i noticed is the wind direction the storm movement in the 90's storms either moved N or NW, Now it's to NE. most plume events the low is sitting out to the SW in the bay of biscay is the position of the Low a big factor here which is why they mostly hit Kent. if you look at the low in the first video it's sitting over spain Storms would move in a more NW direction.
  6. To this day i still remember the 7th June 1996 storm that swept CS England, it was a hot day 30'c and storms initiated in the southwest then moved NE . The lightning and thunder with Hail was amazing. i remember the france imports during the evenings after hot weather in the 90's (all nighters). There is definitely a decline in CS England with most moving SE even to a point now they move SE across the channel or get decay into a thundery mess. does the sea temperature in the channel have any affect on elevated & surface based storms? also the veering winds that were on Tuesdays predicted storms were NE to N so im guessing they influence the moving direction.
  7. small cell just behind the rainband near st anne, is this when they start to explode looks like it
  8. im watching the outflow of the storm, between Gernsey and Cean im hoping that's where cells will fire up, if you run through the radar over 30 mins
  9. Sun is coming out now, should see things start to pickup in N france soon surely?
  10. MMmmmm i wonder if Hampshire is in the firing line, it seems were pretty much on the severe risk area. should get some good views plus my garden faces south with no light pollution.
  11. your about 10 miles down the road and got an inch that's so weird ahahah, its really heavy here
  12. it's like someone is grating snow instead of cheese massive flakes and heavy
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