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Everything posted by Ukwoody

  1. ali, just finished my hungarian goulash I made last night. UMmmmmmm. woody
  2. Milford drizzle at the mo thats all. Note to ealeir posters, the cars abandoned because of snow was due to drifting of existing snow over mountian areas. nothing more in pembs. Personally not holding out any hope at all esepcially not met downgraded woody
  3. I just hope we're not too far west and close to the sea! Oh, Pyro, thanks for the appology but I think I can safely from all of us, don't worry mate. I dont think theres hardly anybody who got it right even Ian Fergusson admitted they were way of the mark, though no one was quite sure why. We still love you ;-) woody woody
  4. pascal I thought you said your goodbyes on here yesterday, saying you wouldn't be back for a while! woody
  5. I notice that on the general forecast for tues/weds the met office has temps of 5 and 6 degrees yet heavy snow forecast??? Bit warm?? Rather worryingly is the amount of people who seem to have lost afith in the ukmo warnings, which rather makes it's dangerous if events do blow up woody woody
  6. Benny, I havent been out today, but although we had snow all day it has barely made any difference to the levels where there isn't any. ie it has only laid on top of existing snow and ice, but even then only minor additions. Yesterday when I was out and about, all main and semi main roads were mostly fine, however out in the sticks,it is a bit different. If there has been sun on it, its gone. Otherwise it was quite thick with ice, that I wasn't prepared to drive on - and I drive a 3.5 ton van. If you are going to small rural estate and properties you willl need to judge each road with care. I should also add actually that even my cul de sac in Milford still ahs thick ice on it, but it's quite drivable with care - at least it was. Frost tonight (?) might make a diffrence. There has been practically no real heavey snow that I am aware off in the area. woody
  7. derek brockway the other evening was showing old footage of bad events around wales. What struck me about what he was showing, was that they seem to occur between every 11 - 15 years here (going all the way back to the thirties) so that makes it roughly 1995 - 1999 should have been the big last event. I know before that it was '82 (83?). So is one due or over due now, historians? has there been a biggy between 82 and now? if so how many years have passsed? woody
  8. :lol: :lol: B) B) ruddy heck, I fell off the settee then. woody
  9. no, we'rr still on trhe early warning at the very top of the list.
  10. actually i notice pembs has been totally removed from the warnings for today and tomorrow now. Sadly if the temps do reach 4 tomorrow that will melt the existing snow so Tuesdays would be fresh. woody
  11. I must confess I get a bit confuesewd by their warnings. good example, earlier on the issued and early warning of a mod risk of severe event for most of wales. NOw they have issued advisories for some of the same counties for the same time span. Whats the real difference? woody
  12. I wonder if the met are now in a state of flux. they are indeed issuing, cancelling, re-issuing. They are eiher desperatly trying to cover there arses, remove the egg from their face or in such a state they dont know if they're coming or going! I dont think I'm gonna pay any real attention to them unless they are flash warnings or our own "local" team on here suggest otherwise. Praise to Jackone who so far hasn't been that far of the mark. woody
  13. I note the bbc news wales page has a story saying warning dropped but forecasters still say 2 -5cm overnight possibly 10cm on higher ground. Perhaps I wont quite top my self yet... woody
  14. I missed the met expending the snow forcast for monday. It now covers the whole of wales (i think). as someone said, all rather confusing. it has howevr been snowing here for 5 hours now, but nothing really laid. woody
  15. there is still technically a warning out for some of us today, so theorectically some hope, but I'm off to walk the dog in my bikini and sandals... woody
  16. I wish I shared you optomism Tony. Milford is marginal at the best of times, but I really cannot see it having any real effect on us now. woody
  17. snow has indeed been moderate here most of he moring Jon, but nothing to show for it, and alas I fear I am turning into Pascal and thinking we aint getting anything of real interest today or even tuesday. woody
  18. met office has officially cancelled the warning for the whole of wales for today THE EARLY WARNING HAS BEEN CANCELLED. DISRUPTIVE SNOW ACCUMULATIONS ARE NOW LESS LIKELY. woody
  19. so does that mean you're also now feeling this may not amount to much? what about tues now? woody
  20. well despite meteox showing heavier for us right now, its got lighter. I'm puzzeled by why the temp is 1.6 and humidity low - much the same as last few days, why the snow is melting. lack of wind chill? woody
  21. sky has remained very light here all morning. still snowing some flakes reasonable size, but it's not enough to do anything woody
  22. whats your thoughts for today now jack? still gonna be hit later? this snow just seems to be melting which is basically what you said it would do. Tonight nay better? woody
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