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Everything posted by Ukwoody

  1. Just down the road from me, a local business (Hilton Court Gardens) took this picture of large hailstones an hr back. (facebook link) https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10924824_863839863673911_4453825648042722847_n.jpg?oh=6d8985de708603e298f66ba0232acba3&oe=55337BA3&__gda__=1428702738_6d96d71f4b2cca965d070ce677015482 woody
  2. haha, a single mention of the "S" word from the Met Office and we see life in here again! Mind you, Andy is very quiet only posting charts, wheres the ramping mate??? woody
  3. I'll cross my legs as well haha
  4. I suspect once again we will only get rain or sleet here in Pembs
  5. Thank you J10. DRagon, I am totally lost at the moment so I understand your confusion. It literally seems to change by the hour lol
  6. PLease could someone explain both Fergies post (shaun) and Andys post. Are they good or bad for snow and cold?? woody
  7. Two Ukmo warnings for wales just issued, whats interesting is that on the rain one, they go on to talk about cold clearer weather coming in afterwards. So it seems they at least expect a period of cold even if no snow (though hopefully there will be of course,lol)
  8. Dbaloo, my first vague memory is being on an old double bus, top floor full of smoke, going through our local town of Shirley in Southampton, seeing all the snow. That, or when I was also very young it snowed one winter and on the distance we could see blue flashes of the electric trains. I had bad earache and the dr struggled to get out to us and I sat on the window cill of our bay window. Both must have been in the mid to late sixties when I was about 4 - 6 I guess. Good topic! woody
  9. This has to be one of the quietest winters for this thread. Even last year with it's nothing winter generated some posts woody
  10. Big flakes here for about 15:mins, but stopping now. Enough to give a faint covering over everything though. Currently 0.9 degrees.
  11. It must be mild here, and peeps must be thinking its going to stay that way because its so damn quiet in here this year! Wheres Andy?? lol
  12. Here in Haverfordwest I got 50mph in the early hours of this morning. Been cold all day and very blustery
  13. Blimey. It's cold out there. Station shows 9.3 feeling lie 5.3 but it feels a damn sight colder that that. Brrrr Barometer has really dropped now to 999.
  14. Hi, I would like to add Jo's weather forecast videos to my website. Is there a way that I can link to it, and it will always go to the latest one? Obviously I will give NW full credit, but would love to have this as a resource for my visitors. Many thanks for your help. Kind regards Woody
  15. Andy, looked at the fax chart myself earlier. Do you reckon Friday will be as bad for us? what time do you reckon it would hit, mate. woody
  16. Hi guys, just seen the fax chart for Friday, which shows that very deep low over us. Does this mean mega heavy winds for us in West wales again? The bars look quite close together, so does that signify wind? thanks for your help Woody
  17. Here in Milford Haven I personally recorded a gust of 52.9 mph which for me is high. However the Cleddau bridge recorded a gust of 94mph! So many roads closed due to trees being down. woody
  18. Tell me something please guys. 1) With all these models using super computers (yet still not really able to forecast more than a week reliably), are the computers updated very often to "learn" from previous weather patterns and actual outcomes using new mathematical models? Thus making the predictions more reliable? 2) With these lows possibly in the frame, if they do not turn to snow, does it mean more windy and wet weather again, or just wet? Thank you guys Woody
  19. I found the Accuweather one to be atrocious for us locally. One of my collegues has it and it's almost as bad as the daily express! Woody
  20. Hi all, forgive my total lack of knowledge here, but just wondering about the Ice storm hitting NY and Canada. What is the possibility of that weather coming our way - even as more rain? Doesn't it often follow that what they get we get a week later - or is that an old wives tale?? Many thanks, Woody
  21. Sadly that sounds like where it is from. You'd think they'd have checked it out first wouldn't you.
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