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Everything posted by Ukwoody

  1. No far from it, but He does kindly post most days. So does John Holmes and a few others normally
  2. I see the nastiness to others hs started again. Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you be be snidey or nasty...
  3. Knocker. Could you expand on tonight's storm please. My thread is one of the quieter ones and almost certainly won't be covered in any detail. Always appreciate yours and John Holmes posts. many thanks woody
  4. Just taken dog out. Lets just say it was a brief walk in that wind and coldness.LOL
  5. Had to smile today. Out at St Ishmaels and "walking" down the path were Mr and Mrs Blackbird. Even as a bird watcher I have never seen two birds SO puffed up in all my life. Like little fluffy balloons blown up against the wind, Lol.
  6. Sorry, what is a "closed system" and whats the difference?
  7. 1 december 2015 Paul said in relation to a question about tapatalk ... "I don't think so, not so much that it'll not be compatible but having looked into it before it's not something we've ever been too keen to opt in to. That said, a mobile app for the forum is on the agenda. ;-)
  8. .... and I'm an Englishman proud to live in Wales, lol
  9. Hi. You've been saying for a couple of years or so now that you are developing an App for the forums (rather then use Tapatalk). Just wondered if this is likely to happen anytime soon. Woody
  10. I get really cross with some on the Mod thread. I pass one sarky comment and it gets "reported" to Paul yet others can say whatever they want and get away with it all the time. Paul told me to use this thread!! I was going to leave this site as the way some poeple get treated on the Mod thread is appalling = however you're still stuck with me,LOL
  11. John, just want to say thanks for a sensible knowledgeable insight. Still a bit over my head but so much easier to understand then in the other thread - which I have stopped visiting due to the nastiness. Cheers!
  12. Firstly, this is a so much better thread! I personally think T96 is better. My reasoning is by extending it to T120 you are really verging on the main model thread, and more worryingly is that by extending the time, leads to more uncertainty in understanding the models which leads the possibility of more arguments! T96 is a good compromise for sensible friendly discussion and respectful disagreement woody
  13. and half of the debate belongs in ramps and moans thread. The model discussions are often stab in the dark guessing at FI timescales by the uninitiated and if it doesn't include snow then it doesn't matter. That surely is NOT the main purpose of this thread when everything but snow gets ignored. This used to be a good thread for learning and open discussion about sensible charts etc, but nowadays it is mainly ramping.
  14. I was predominatly referring to the low pressure system and gale force winds
  15. Yes, I get a bit cross with the model thread. some seem to just argue with almost any chart or more "expert" opinion and totally confuse the whole situation. Then others just costantly want to look two weeks ahead into FI when no-one really has a clue!
  16. Why do some of you consistantly look so far into the future, guessing what will happen in F I? What about the shorter time span? Next week looks interesting yet is totally ignored in the haste to talk about possible snow and nothing else.
  17. Hi all. I'm confused. In this mornings post by Paul, he suggests there may be a "storm" on Boxing day with strong winds. Yet toning some seem to be suggesting rather mild benign conditions. Have things changed? Certainly the charts around lunchtime seemed to suggest strong winds...
  18. Good one, Cheers Blessed (and Welcome, lol)
  19. First time I've seen a chance of snow for Pembs!
  20. Dry as a bone in Milford Haven and looks like zero chance of snow.
  21. Nah, I think once again Milford Haven (and Tenby) will miss out on this event. :-(
  22. to my untrained eye it seems as if us in the far west of wales (Milford Haven etc) will be missing out on these events?
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