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Posts posted by noggin

  1. Re North of the M4 and South of the M4, in 2012 I moved from about 2 miles South of "it" to about 2 miles North of "it" and it has made quite a difference! It was out of Bristol and into a more rural area. Having said that, just a few miles further North from here gets more snow again. ? 

    Perhaps instead of the old phrase "go West, young man" it should be "go North, young man". I'm wittering  again.

  2. I have stocked up on stuff. As well as a bit extra of everything, I have:

    2 sliced loaves in freezer

    3 packs of half-baked baguettes

    3 litres long life milk (almond)

    Tinned meat, fruit, puddings, beans, spaghetti

    Plentiful supply of loo rolls.....wouldn't want to be caught short there!

    Batteries for radio and torches

    2 boxes of household candles (and matches)

    Rock salt, de-icer, screen wash, trusty snow shovel

    My freezer and larder are full, but it's all stuff that we can eat afterwards anyway, if we don't get snowed in. We have a Sainsbury's local and a small (and expensive) local shop, otherwise it's about 3 miles to a supermarket.

    Filled up with petrol too.

    I could see an issue with heating though, if power lines come down.

    Let us hope that this is our time but also that everyone stays safe.

    Love to all, from noggin


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  3. 2 hours ago, khodds said:

    I like to daydream. I do this a lot.. ie; what I will do when a win the lottery, or when I win that luxury holiday to the Maldives... all very unlikely to happen but... another daydream is what it would actually be like to live through a 1947 or 1962 scenario in today’s modern society. What do you all think it’ll be like if it ever happened..?

    It would be different now, because things have changed. I remember walking to school in the Winter of 62/63, I was living in Exeter back then. We all walked, teachers and pupils, because the pupils all went to nearby schools and the teachers worked in nearby schools. Today, pupils and teachers can live 5, 10, 20 miles from school so getting there in very deep snow would be difficult. Also, most married women didn't go out to work then either so there is a big chunk of the population that didn't need to be getting to work. Nowadays people have to travel much further during the course of their days so there are massive travel problems when there is deep snow lying.

    That is just my take on "getting around" in such conditions.

    If I could put my weary mind to thinking about food supplies, I would, but I can't. People generally didn't have food freezers back then, but there were more local shops.

    Things have changed since the early 60s and as my old driving instructor used to say "you can't compare peas and carrots"! So I won't be one of the old whingers who complains that 'it wasn't like that back in my day" and that "we just used to get on with it"....... we all live different lives now, things that were problematic back then aren't problematic now and vice versa.

    I'll shut up now. ?


    PS Aren't we lucky to have Ian Ferguson doing our local weather forecasts!


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  4. I don't pretend to understand charts, but after a quick look in the MAD thread it looks to me like there will be snow to the East of us and snow to the West of us and that we will be stuck in a dry bit in the middle. ?? Also, there are no snowflakes in my local MetO forecast. ??

    Can anyone offer any crumbs of hope, because I am feeling deflated already, having got my hopes up, despite trying not to. I was really hoping that this would be OUR TIME, here in the SW..............


  5. Even if I don't have any more snow, I shall be satisfied with this Winter as I have had a blizzard, albeit during the night, where the snow lay for a couple of days, plus a smaller fall, although it only lay for about an hour. I took photos and look at them frequently.....gives me a warm fuzzy feeling!

    Haven't even seen any blue sky for several days now...........just miserable, nondescript and unrelenting greyness. ?

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