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Posts posted by millzzz

  1. happy days indeed!!! light/moderate snow here, large flakes, visibility right down.

    i missed it starting because i was enjoying looking at the old dec 1990/feb 1991 thread, great memories

    That's my fault, sorry! :D

    Does anyone else find light snow falling really theraputic? As for current conditions; the snow clump looks to be taking a more nnw heading and I'm on the eastern edge of it. Anywhere west of Solihull towards Herefordshire will collect the main lump of it. That includes Redditch! ;)

    EDIT: Now moderate snow :)

  2. Well the Beeb shows some snow for me overnight which was unexpected. Model wise, they seem to be more opitimistic as their forecast (news at 10) showed a long period of snow for the Midlands, North Devon, across the M4 corridor etc, but becoming marginal on the Friday for me at least.

    He seemed pretty confident for tomorrow into Thursday though.

  3. Thankyou for writing this. I remember the December event vividly, despite being just 7 years old. My own little tale...

    I remember having caught a BBC forecast on Thursday evening with the possibility of snow from the Friday into Saturday.

    I went to school the next day and watched out for the snow all day, telling my friends what was about to happen. Alas, nothing happened and I was so disappointed. It came to about 2:30 and my teacher (Mr Jones) let us do some drawing for half an hour before home time. I drew a picture of an igloo in the falling snow, with the words 'Snow Patrol' on a sign next to it. I was concentrating drawing this with my charcoal stick when a friend said it was snowing.

    I recall the whole class being hyper as we went out of school to meet our parents at the gate. I spent the evening watching the snow fall, and eventually went to bed.

    The following morning (8th), I woke up and went straight to the window to see how much snow we had. I ran into my parents room and woke them up, making them get out of bed to look at what was outside. I can still remember the huge snowflakes swirling through the air onto the foot of laying snow. I couldn't wait to get out there, but my mum insisted I had breakfast first! Kellogs frosties were consumed in record time.

    I played out in the snow from about 8:30am until 9:00pm (which included walking to Safeways with my family to bring the weekly shop home on my wooden sled). The evening light was mystical with the orange glow of the snow under the street lights. That day was perfect, and I shall never forget it. :doh:

  4. When I was a wee nipper at the grand old age of 7, back in December 1990 (!), I can remember there being a huge overnight dumping of snow (approx. 15inches) in the Birmingham area. It started on Friday evening and stopped mid Saturday.

    Looking through some old albums I also came across a photo taken in January 1991 with similar conditions. Can anyone remember the weather patterns for these events and where all the snow came from (continent or northerly flow?)?

    If you have them, some photo's would be good too, especially from around the Midlands.

    I have Google'd it to death and have found pretty much nothing. Many thanks in advance. :blink:

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