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Everything posted by nej1965

  1. No, not CMK, at the OU Walton Hall....... it doesn't look at all wintery!
  2. Looking out of the window at work in Milton Keynes, it's lovely out there, blue sky, a few clouds, no frost left... are you all quite sure there's snow on the way???????????????
  3. Never has the phrase "OH MY GOD!" been more appropriate....!!!!
  4. That was an interesting drive home, left Milton Keynes at 5.... it was sleeting there, by the time we got to Hockcliffe it was blizzard like and settling. An hour and a half after setting out, arrived home, having been at a standstill twice and needing pushing up a treacherous hill by some wonderful people in fluorescent jackets...... Don't want to have to do that again in a hurry! Everything looks beautiful though!!! :lol: Hubby now stuck on the M1 at Toddington....!
  5. I'm in MK - I haven't seen any snow here... and I'm right next to a window!!!!!
  6. It's been sunny and warm all day here..... but it's clouded over now - I hope the rain is heading this way otherwise I'm going to have to water the garden!!
  7. It's snowing really, really heavily here, the roads and pavements that had cleared are now white again..... If my school is closed tomorrow I am going in come what may! I've got so much to do before half term..... please can someone tell me if this is going to last all night???? Thanks
  8. This has been the longest spell of snow that I remember - ever!! 1991 had a lot of snow but it all fell at once and lasted ages ( I remember it well, I was in plaster and housebound for a couple of weeks!), I can't remember snow on snow on snow and it isn't melting very quickly. This week has had the scariest driving conditions I have ever experienced. Why couldn't it have snowed next week when the kids are off, then there wouldn't have been as much moaning about why schools had to shut!!!! I dread to think how bad the roads would have been during rush hour if the school run had tried to carry on as normal..?
  9. It is blizzard like, huge snowflakes and it is settling on the road that we've spent all day clearing...... *&^%$$£$*&^% Really need to go to work tomorrow!!!! I love snow but enough already!!!!!
  10. My parents live in Irchester near Wellingborough Northants and haven't been able to leave their house all week.... there is no family near them and they are running out of food... I've said that I will go up tomorrow after work, leaving dunstable at about 4pm and take them groceries and clear their drive etc. then come home again afterwards.... am I going to get stuck in heavy snow trying to get there or back????? Any thoughts??
  11. Spent the morning clearing the snow from the driveway and pathways with a shovel... then it was so warm in the sun, I got a cup of tea and sat in my garden, it was lovely...... then had to go out in the car and couldn't believe how little the snow has melted everywhere..... I have never known anything like it!!!!
  12. Really cold, but lovely and sunny, roads and pavements really treacherous!!! Unable to get the frozen snow off my car!!!!!
  13. Snow quite heavy again here now... has been snowing all morning, but got a bit lighter at one point... I guess we've had at least a foot now.... Had to send son out to get some provisions.....
  14. Yep told you... my school has now closed... The last time I saw snow this heavy was in January 2004, the Thundersnow incident...! I need to go and buy essential provisions!!!! Oh heck!!!! Looks like I'm going to have to delve deep in the freezer this weekend!!!!
  15. It's falling really heavily now... and my school has said it's going to open - methinks that may change!!!!
  16. Yikes, we're just up the road from St Albans....!! Going to be the same here then!!!! Looking forward to a call at 6am asking me to update our school website again!!!!!
  17. Now, now, I know you're excited but no need to SHOUT quite so loud!!!!! On the BBC 6pm news forecast, Luton was right bang in the middle of the large white blob....... looks like I may have another day off - ho hum!!!!
  18. We have 3 inches..... it's stopped now..... roads being cleared with snow ploughs as the gritters can't get through!!! We're also running out of salt apparently!!!!
  19. OMG - I've just had a call from my head teacher.... I thought this was going to miss us but we've ended up with worse (or is that better!) snow than Monday!!!! It is VERY VERY TREACHEROUS, the new snow has fallen on top of the old, which is frozen and the teachers that could get in on Monday can't even get off their drives this morning..... the roads are going to be very empty this morning... good luck everyone!!!!! I will get out with the camera a bit later.
  20. I think it's something to do with the size of the photos from my camera... the first two weren't taken by me.... I've resized but I can only submit one at a time...
  21. I'm trying to upload some photos but message keeps coming up that I haven't selected a file.. and I have..... I click on Browse, double click on the photo, click upload and it goes through the motions then comes up with this error message... any one help? Got two to upload, only when I plugged laptop in, it didn't like doing it on battery.. others won't work but will keep trying!
  22. Wasn't Michael Fish the one who said there wasn't going to be a hurricane in 1987 ?????!!! :huh:
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