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Soaring Hawk

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Everything posted by Soaring Hawk

  1. Cloudy with some sunny spells 17°C W (8 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 67, Pressure (mB): 1014, Rising, Visibility: Excellent
  2. *whispers* Roger, go to bed darling and sleep it off.......
  3. Cloudy 13°C SW (19 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 75, Pressure (mB): 1002, Rising, Visibility: Excellent
  4. Thanks Glen for sending it over me. In the space of half an hour our local roads have flooded.
  5. Sunny intervals 18°C SW (15 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 76, Pressure (mB): 1002, Falling, Visibility: Very good Evil, black menacing clouds approaching
  6. Light rain 9°C NW (24 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 97, Pressure (mB): 1003, Rising, Visibility: Moderate
  7. sunny intervals 14°C S (11 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 82, Pressure (mB): 998, Falling, Visibility: Excellent Sun and wind doing their best to get rid of the monsoon style deluge we had at 6ish this morning.
  8. Used to get headaches before a storm as a child and nothing has changed. Have had one for the last hour and lo and behold, it started thundering about 20 minutes ago.
  9. Sunny intervals 10°C SW (5 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 96, Pressure (mB): 1013, Rising, Visibility: Very good Sun from 6ish (when I woke), unfortunately extensive high cloud spreading rapidly.
  10. heavy rain 15°C E (3 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 100, Pressure (mB): 999, Falling, Visibility: Very poor Monsoon weather since 6am. Finally beginning to ease.
  11. Heavy rain late evening and overnight Misty 15°C NE (6 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 98, Pressure (mB): 1003, Falling, Visibility: Moderate
  12. drizzle 12°C NE (8 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 100, Pressure (mB): 1015, Falling, Visibility: Fog
  13. light rain 13°C NW (11 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 96, Pressure (mB): 1019, Falling, Visibility: Good This nearest weather observation to me is inaccurate. We've had a long thunderstorm and relentless rain from 07:45 until about 11.30. Following a second heavy bout of rain, lightening and thunder which has just finished we are in a lull, albeit temporarily, I suspect.
  14. Most days I wander into my office on foot. Most nights I crawl out of it on hands and knees. When I'm not working from home I often do so at my colleague's house which is a 5 mile journey. I drive. I could ride my horse but my computer is too big to comfortably carry and the farm lorries and ghastly White Van Man delivery people make riding along our small country roads dangerous. If I rode her across fields in the straightest line, she'd take off and I'd end up in Wales or Scotland. I walk into the village to the post office or to go to the pub (a rare event). For all other journeys, food shopping etc., I drive because everything is too far away and out here we don't have the public transport to even get to the doctor's surgery.
  15. misty 8°C NE (7 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 99, Pressure (mB): 1014, Rising, Visibility: Poor Fog earlier; couldn't see to the end of our fields. Now burning off rapidly.
  16. 'Course he did. But you needn't worry about him. He's just been trampled by a long-legged thoroughbred and will be on tranquillizers for the foreseable future.
  17. Close, as ever, but it has to be the photo taken by Wibs. Stunningly beautiful.
  18. Soaring Hawk


    Stay strong darling. You will get through it. Believe.
  19. Thank you Nick. Facinating read and the photos really do give a sense of the awesome power in those storms.
  20. Thanks for this MS. I shall await any further info with interest.
  21. Cloudy 11°C NW (7 mph) Relative Humidity (%): 99, Pressure (mB): 1009, Falling, Visibility: Moderate We have rain (well drizzle) atm! The first to fall on our land since March. Maybe the grass for hay will start to grow....
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