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Posts posted by Louise

  1. Just had a storm here, lasted around 45 mins. Lots of thunder - not sure about the lightning because I was trying to get some shut-eye while the little one was sleeping!!! The thunder was lovely though.. pops and cracks but not deafeningly house-shaking and booming. Lots of rain as it moved through. Brightening up again now.

  2. Storm's now cleared, just. Didn't see any lightning actually, but it just skimmed us and was more to our East (I can't get a good view over that way).. towards Stoke I guess. The sky to the front is amazing red colour with the storm clouds that have just passed us. Very ominous looking. Looks like they're heading up the M6 towards Manchester.

    Thunder wasn't very loud, more rumblings than anything. Let's hope that's it for the night now! Air is much fresher so here's hoping! The rain was awesome though.. huge droplets, pelting it down for a good ten mins. Now that I can handle, lol!

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