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Posts posted by BornFromTheVoid

  1. Clearly the earth is warming, but i believe most of it is natural such as the suns output and natural cycles. But I'd say CO2 is having a slight warming effect simply because the amount we've pumped into the atmosphere and are continuing to pump into it cant keep going without some sort of reprecussions!

    We are still coming out of an ice age so its naturaly going to get warmer and warmer, but the GHGs are jus helping this along slightly. If the earth decides to cool, it will though! CO2 didnt stop the temperature from falling between the 1940s and 70s!

    I still believe we need to reduce GHG emissions, but mainly because of the acidification of the oceans. Although I am somewhat confused as from what I hear the worlds oceans are going to take in more CO2 as they get warmer, causing them to turn acidic, and at the same time start releasing CO2 into the atmosphere for exactly the same reason???

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