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Posts posted by dodge

  1. Had a bit of a break from the forum too... but winter might have a final sting in its tail.

    Darren Bett seemed even interested in the end of week battleground setup.... saying "North Pennines & Scottish Hills" in particular could see heavy falls of snow. 

    I'd accept a flurry or two... not being greedy. 

    • Like 6
  2. Frosty start - very icy overnight - but bonus is the sun is out giving relief for any wildlife basking in it's rays.  Managed first cycle ride of the year yesterday after a very wet spell...so high pressure might be boring weather wise but at least it gives you opportunity to get out and enjoy the outdoors a bit more.

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  3. Aye I suppose if we're no burried in snow then nice sunny crisp mornings like this is a second best...certainly beats mild wet crap.

    Correct about not seeming to have snowy breakdowns anymore, instead it's just a slow creeping of milder temps to mix out the cold.  Still we've got the fabled beasterly to look forward too...or at least you would think so reading the mod thread.

    • Like 5
  4. Looks like that's it for the snow chances for awhile...a slow creeping advance of milder conditions for us in the west.... might a cloudy high.  Not the most inspiring stuff weather wise.  Had a few dustings but still way short of my foot fall deep of snow witnessed 3 times between 2009-11... nothings come near it since. 

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  5. The chance of any wintry stuff here seems to be in the early hours as the band of rain/sleet/snow moves back south but I'm guessing it will be a wet looking slushy mix at best.   Hardly inspiring...truth be told I hope it stays crisp, dry & sunny over the next few days the grounds around here are a soggy mess... thankfully this appears predominantly the forecast ahead. ☀️

    • Like 4
  6. More variations on a theme of wetness at the moment.  Don't seem to be going a day without some downpour turning up at some point.  Winds gusty.  Not getting my hopes up for anything wintery wonderland next week...might jus be that miserable transition of grey wet slush before it melts into a sorry looking icy cold puddle.  

    • Like 7
  7. Yep showers piling in off the Irish Sea with a North westerly flavour just to make it feel cold but not cold enough for the illusive white stuff.   Supposed to be getting more polar maritime influence into next week but odds on it will be watered down to wet slush for all but the highest of ground.  

    • Like 7
  8. The Wet, Wet, Wet theme continues (but at least it won't haunt us for 16 weeks!)...and we now have a warning out Tuesday ...


    "Outbreaks of rain will spread across England and Wales during Tuesday. This will be heaviest and most persistent across parts of northwest England, particularly over higher ground. Rainfall totals of 60-80 mm could accumulate over parts of Cumbria"


    Met Office UK weather warnings for rain, snow, wind, fog and ice. Choose your location to keep up to date with local weather warnings.


    • Like 6
  9. We had some insulting wet globules of sleet mixed in with the heaviest of rain this morning but it's mostly plain cold rain here now...frequent showers streaming in as well so any breaks are fleeting and quickly filled in.  Forecast looks truly dreadful for rest of week, lots of heavy rain symbols on the apps.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, PennineMark said:

    Looking like a grim day is on the cards today. Can't help but think that if it had been 5 or 6c colder this band wouldn't stand a chance of getting here. There's snow way it would have got to our region, it'd die on is way through the Midlands and the infamous rain shadow would suck the life from what was left 🤪.

    Yep no shadow now it's cold heavy rain...just setting up camp and stalling in our region.  Sounds about right.  Darren Bett talking about a brief cold tease on Boxing day then he ended with a smirky smile on his face  ".....before it turns milder" 🙄

    Only one place to go for the cold fix 


    Dangerously low temperatures are a serious threat, even in major cities around the US and Canada.


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  11. 1 hour ago, Joe Bloggs said:

    Has anyone mentioned the Manchester SE’ly shadow yet? 

    Standard when anything comes from the south west.  Everything being evaporated into nothing just south of east of Manchester, so barely produces nothing here.

    My attention will probably turn to that monster storm due to hit parts of North East US next week in the run up to Christmas.  Could be newsworthy.  We'll be green, grey and wet again by the time we put a little something out for Santa.

    • Like 4
  12. My amber warning was yesterday when I was out early doing deliveries, black ice almost everywhere, vans wheels skidding and lots of slips.  Today probably too low for the amber to affect me but probably treacherous over the tops.  Last vestiges of this quite decent cold snap (for cold not snow) before the dreaded mild south westerlies take over.  Pinch of salt applied for anything more than D+6 away.  The models are up and down with each other at present.

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