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Posts posted by laserguy

  1. Well I was roundly chastised for moaning in the 'we've got all the storms aren't we the lucky ones?' thread, but I was 100% correct in saying we'd get nothing. Looks like that humble pie's gonna be staying in the freezer for a good while yet.


    So I go into Tesco a coupla hours ago, aware of the darkening wall of cloud to my south. Mindful of this whilst doing my shopping, I could hear thunder maybe half an hour later. So I left the trolley and went outside and stood in the middle of the carpark. Was a mighty fine sight too with regular lightning and constant rumbling. Stood there like a teacake for 10 mins until it became clear that the whole lot was moving away. Looks like Doncaster way got it but I certainly didn't so it doesn't count. When I went back in my trolley and contents had disappeared, only adding to my wrath. To pile on the misery even further, it's now bloody sunny. British weather sucks - big time.

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  2. we've actually only lost about 15 mins of daylight in the evenings so far the process speeds up in august, people i know haven't noticed any difference yet but i guess they don't study sunrise and sunset times like we do


    It's an obsession for me at this time of year - one of the symptoms of my 'condition'. But the change should now be more apparent to even the most casual observer.

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  3. Plenty of summer left, then a nice autumn if all goes well.


    What do you mean by a 'nice autumn'? An extension of the current season which has already outstayed its welcome, or a 'traditional' one?  Anyway the heavy cloud of this morning (no thunder tho' as predicted with 100% confidence elsewhere) meant that it got light much later than otherwise. That's more like it.

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  4. It's all well and good saying you don't think the storms will materialise. But can we avoid the rather petty posts along the lines of "it's always crap here so we won't get anything" or "the forecasts are always wrong" etc. These don't add anything to the discussion. By all means post valid reasons and charts to back up your reasoning, but please avoid outright negativity for the sake of it.




    Don't need charts and the long,long line of epic FAILS is reason enough to be despondent - why should this time be any different? You'd be negative about the whole thing too. I would love to be forced to eat a huge humble pie until I'm throwing up all over the shop,and if that proves to be the case I'll be back on here once power has been restored to apologise unreservedly.

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  5. John Hammond said storms moving in during the evening/night time Saturday could be extremely severe with several  inches of rain out of them causing serious issues, anyone have more detail on this?


    I'm gonna fire up me plasma ball and get the missus to push the wheelie bin up and down the path to simulate the storms that I won't get but everyone else will. Today was supposed to be outrageously hot but no - it's pretty cool even by my standards and the sun has yet to put in the most fleeting of appearances - FAIL. The storms will go the same way, I have no doubt whatsoever.

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  6. I'd caution not to set expectations too high. Some places will get hit hard, others will get nowt despite having all the ingredients in place. There's always surprises in these setups and so disappointments. Just look out of the window is best I think, the only way to be sure you're getting a thunderstorm! Temper expectations then if you get nowt you aren't too dissapointed, if you get battered you're surprised and happy.


    I'm not getting even a little excited - way,way too many letdowns foster that way of thinking. For me, the best storms have always been not forecast and appeared as if from nowhere.

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    By the way, the skin cancer argument is a red herring. That's entirely due to the strength of the sun (which is constant year-to-year) and not the air temperature. Doesn't matter if it's 20C next week or 30C, the sun will be the same strength.


    I'm as white as a stick of chalk,me. D'you know,that was very fashionable with the Victorian elite - having a tan indicated that one was an outdoor peasanty type, having to slum it in the fields. But being the commoner that I am, I toil indoors and so avoid the tan anyway! I'm aware of the strength of sun business, the risk is heightened with warm temps 'cos it draws folk outside. Even I can't avoid the sun completely, and I have a mole on my cheek which definitely gets bigger in the summer, then recedes in winter. Dunno what mechanism causes that but it's something to keep an eye on. Not worried so long as it shrinks again after each summer.

  8. I've mot noticed it yet here, Don't really until mid Sept


    Wow I can hardly believe that. I remember coming home from the hospital all agog after witnessing the birth of my son* (so many years ago), looking at the clock and for some reason thinking how dark it was. It was ten minutes past eight. Dunno why that fleeting moment stuck in my memory, but it did. The vagaries of the human mind,huh? Unless Earth's orbital status has shifted, things should be the same now...


    Edit - *sorry should have mentioned it was mid-August!

  9. In winter people die of hypothermia and severe frostbite and the News are telling us how to avoid that too. Doesn't that make those like you, who want bitingly cold winters clinically insane too?


    That's entirely possible, I'll freely admit it. But when the going gets tough in winter (fat chance), at least it's possible to keep warm. Do all you people who want the heat actually work for a living, or are you all sat around the pool necking pina coladas?

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  10. If the heat is so good why is the news awash with health warnings on how to cope, and advice to avoid skin cancer etc? Does that make smoking a good thing,too? And as it's so damned unpleasant as well, I can only conclude that all you hotties are clinically insane. Sorry, but that's the truth.

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  11. Cool and overcast today but looking very warm and humid for the next week or two starting tomorrow....it looks awful. The autumn gales and winter blizzards can't come soon enough.


    You can say that again,and again,and again.... won't be long now, I keep telling myself. Be strong! We are entering the darkest hour.

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  12. Hard to believe some models and forecasts were going for 25-26C here today.. it hasn't even reached 22C and it's completely cloudy, lol. More of the same to come I'm sure.


    No idea what it is outside but I've recently got in from work,closed the doors and shut the curtains, and I can tell you right now I'm melting. Wish it would all stop. It's gone cloudy alright which is a good thing, but the rain which I was so looking forward to has,predictably, done a runner.  What a craphole.

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  13. Really? I get up at 4.45 and don't need the lights on, when I need the car lights on at 5.30 driving to work is when I will really notice the change.


    You're getting up too late. Those few minutes make all the difference at this pivotal time! I've certainly noticed the change, but for all those who aren't up so early it won't make a damn bit of difference, but hey that's their loss. But they needn't despair for much longer, it'll still be dark at 0800 before we know it.

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  14. Why does heat have to equate to best?I think 21C, crystal clear blue skies, glorious sunshine and gentle breeze is better than 28C, high humidity, a lot of haze, very watery sunshine or even cloud and high pollution/stagnate air.


    It's got to be the novelty value, or there's some hardcore masochists on here.

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