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Posts posted by laserguy

  1. Completely agree with what you say. I'm so much happier in Winter and Summer is the miserable season to me but you get labelled with being a misery! 'Smile, be happy...the sun's out' they say...not for me I'm afraid... Even weather presenters make me mad. The 'worst' of the weather is often the best to me. And I don't care about saving on my heating bills! I'm a cold,dark and rain lover and proud of it! :)



    Whatever one's preference, I think weather presenters should remain completely neutral.... and they're the only bunch of folk I'm aware of who are routinely 'afraid' when rain is in the offing, and for whom light showers present a 'risk'.

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  2. God, you're so depressing. Is Dracula a relation of yours by any chance?




    Y'see this is what I don't get. Why is sunshine,flowers,warmth,outdoor pursuits,barbeques,sport etc etc etc, all the things associated with summer, somehow supposed to bring about feelings of happiness and joy? I can't stand anything associated with summer. Why are the attributes and features of autumn and winter automatically associated with sadness and misery? They sure as hell make me happy, for reasons which are every bit as unfathomable as the ones which give pleasure to summer types. It grieves me to be labelled a depressing,miserable person when that is certainly not the case - just because I like the 'darkside'. Anyway in keeping with the thread's title, there's lot's for me to be happy about - it's almost the time of year when the shortening days 'go off a cliff'. Cheer up guys - it'll soon be spring... not.

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  3. This is only my second post but I had to comment as I so understand where your coming from....


    Thanks... maybe we should form a club - the Autumn appreciation society. I've just awoke from being in bed most of the day and my timing couldn't have been better - the sun has just slipped behind a cloud bank and will have set before it moves. Marvellous!

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  4. ... then before long the warm and bright sunshine will be shining happily in the sky, increasing in strength and altitude every day, lifting the spirits of the great British public. Winter will be getting weaker and spring will be getting stronger. The plants will be bursting into life - the sure sign of a long and pleasant hot summer to come.


    That sorta talk just depresses the crap out of me - there's no need for it, barely one month after the longest day and smack in the middle of the season of misery. It's also wrong to say that it lifts the spirit of Brits, at least if the favourite season poll on here is anything to go by. The 'feelgood factor' of summer is nothing more than a marketing ploy for folk to sell crap on the back of. Roll on the coming Autumn and darkness - at the very least let's get the equinox in the bag before resurrecting any thoughts of sun and warmth before summer has even cleared off.

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  5. Amidst the growing excitement, don't forget that the highest ever UK temp was scored in August - the spectre of something as cataclysmic as that happening again can't be overlooked however unlikely, and why August cannot be trusted! But ye for all its potential or realised heat and humidity, there are changes aplenty during August which herald the turn of the seasons. It's always a full-on summer month to me tho' for the most part, but there comes a day towards the end when something subtle but profound changes and you know it's summer's swansong, death throes before the encroaching Autumn with it's darkening days,smells,atmosphere,mood, foliage changes,sky hues etc conspire to deliver one fatal blow and then it's all over. Can't wait and it's good to watch unfold in the meantime!

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  6. Calm down i was hardly being serious.


    I know - sorry. Just begins to grate a little being offered advice which I've contemplated enough times as it is. Teevee weather presenters really get my teeth gnashing tho' when they say with a straight face that if it gets too hot for you,head to the coast or similar. Like,we just walk outta work,let the kids get themselves home from school,fill up the waiting car and drive for so many hundreds of miles to sit on an exposed hilltop or shady cove etc. Perhaps I take things too literally....

  7. People who constantly moan about heat and dont want to move to abroad, move to the coast of north west scotland and feel the cold.


    I've heard this sort of thing a thousand times. If only life was that simple. Besides, it'd still be too warm for me because of the maritime influence -  Western Scotland takes the brunt of that nasty Gulf Stream and the sound of bagpipes would drive me mad. How about all those who usually whine about 'poor' summer weather clear off to London instead?  Better still, why not let folk have their moans - after all it's only a weather forum about the virtues and pitfalls of the season, it's not as if someone has grievously insulted your mother or summat...

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  8. Still sunny and warm, but nowhere near as unpleasant as recently.


    There was a very distinct, but pleasant and very welcome nip in the air at sunrise. Now it's almost as bad as it's been for the last few days. Keeping a wistful eye on that rain to my NW but not holding out much hope.

  9. Feels horrible and cold today. Started off sunny, but now totally cloudy. Looks like a NW/SE split emerging too. Great. :closedeyes:


    I never used to be bothered by sun or warmth, or lack thereof, but with each passing year, I am increasingly frustrated.


    I can't be more than 20 miles from you, and it's been sunny from dawn - still is. So near yet so far... how come you're getting all the good weather?

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  10. Trolling and mod bias?  LOL.  Laserguy  is already barred from the 'climate change' forums  (that's Net Weathers equivalent to Keelhauling) and as for a total ban Nah, Baz is our hero or anti hero if anyone prefers :D


    Ha - thanks! I'm banned from Serious Discussion too. Anti -hero huh? I like the sound of that, I mean where would Batman be without the Joker, King Kong without Godzilla etc?

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  11. I like your posts as they are often funny in a depressing sort of way, the problem is that if someone posted the same sort of stuff on the winter thread they would all be deleted and the poster probably banned for trolling, too much mod bias and lack of consistency on here.


    You never once heard me moaning last winter - despite not seeing but one flake of snow. I was just happy for it to be winter, unlike many of the supposed summer-types who aren't happy if it isn't 35C and sun from dawn 'til dusk.

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  12. yes been there done that, not pleasant.

    But we are all different so what is great for one, be it heat or cold, extremes etc, is not for another. We simply have to accept the fact that we are all different, thank goodness, and preserve a respect for the views of others.


    Anyone who claims that they'd enjoy temps of 50C let alone survive it for any appreciable length of time, are clearly on a massive wind-up and undeserving of respect - only ridicule.

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  13. I honestly don't know why I come onto this thread so often. It's just the same three people moaning, whining and complaining, with just the occasional positive post. To those three in question though, we get it! You hate summer, stop banging on about it! The more you bang on, the worse it seems, and because of all the moaning and negativity, this thread is just so damn depressing. I absolutely hate autumn with a passion, but I don't go into the autumn thread complaining and winging, therefore ruining it for all the autumn lovers. If you really want somewhere to moan and whine, start a "Summer Moaning thread" or something.


    Rant over.


    Crikey - who's ruffled your feathers?! It's called the 'Summer 2014 Thread', not the 'We Love Summer 2014 Thread And The Only Folk Allowed On Are Those Who Will Gush About How Great It Is Thread'. It's great for some and horrible for others - and I do believe that it's right to be able to moan and to explain why, against the perceived, totally fallacious notion that everyone likes the heat. We could be having another 2007 right now and I guarantee that all the summer-lovers would be suicidal, and folk of my ilk would be full of ourselves - but the weather of any season does not come with guarantees.

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  14. And I'm one of those who wants it to be January permanently. In the midst of winter I never yearn for the heat of summer!


    A man after me own heart - I'd sooner have the most un-wintery Jan than anything summer has to offer! Nick I'm really starting to 'warm' to you!

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  15. I really do pity those having to do night shifts in this weather. If I get into the career I want then night shifts will be part and parcel of it. Sleeping during the day at the moment must be absolute hell.


    And I think just out of curiosity many people would like to experience 50c. But I have experienced 45c before, and had to walk a mile to a lecture in it - trust me, even the most hardened heat-lover would struggle. It's not just unpleasant, that level of heat is extremely dangerous if you're not careful.


    It has to be all about the novelty factor - 'been there, done that'. I'm a hardened coldie but wouldn't want more than a fleeting glimpse of -50C... a constant -10C will do just fine! As for sleeping, well I went to bed at 0830 after last night's shift (finished at 0615) and have been awake for the last hour, courtesy of the heat. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to how utterly wretched I'm feeling right now?

  16. the most pleasant period is actually daytime morning, especially if facing west.  Here its cooler at 9am than it is 3am.


    Somehow i am falling asleep and managing it, this year I have been wearing thin tshirts to bed instead of nothing and I find it helps a lot, the tshirt absorbs the sweat which is preferable to bed sheeting/matress/pillows etc. absorbing it.  Although I am going through about 10-20 tshirts a week.


    Working nights I get to see the most spectacular sunrises, but once it's reached a certain elevation and the temperature responds, the day is all downhill from there. Sleeping during the day in this heat and light has been hellish. Folk who claim they would enjoy 50C are obviously suffering from a touch of sunstroke and are talking complete, undiluted cobblers.

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  17. I think people need to read up on the nature of thunderstorms. If you see yourself in a warning area and assume you're 100% guaranteed a thunderstorm, then you are sadly mistaken and ill-informed, and likely to be disappointed.


    In case people weren't aware, the Met Office warnings have a text counterpart from both the general forecast AND the assessment of the chief forecaster. I think some people may have missed this! Next time you're under a warning area, give it a read :)


    All they had to do was say that South Yorks was,is,and forever will be immune, and everything would've been alright. Nick don't go off on one - we clearly have very different senses of humour and I mean no harm!

  18. Do you not read the news?? Several houses were struck by lightning which set their house on fire. A lady was throw backwards against a wall after her sky dish was struck.

    I think the weekend's storms were more than worthy of a warning. This is the UK, we don't see storms like this every day.


    And last week one person out of millions will have got lucky on the lottery. So what could the hapless victims of lightning actually have done to prevent their misfortune, having been amply forewarned of it, and should the millions of others who did not suffer a strike have prepared likewise? I looked a right prat with that copper strip trailing from my **** to the ground I can tell you, especially in the blazing sunshine. Weather warnings - pah. I've done with 'em.

  19. Im sure a rocky outcrop at Flamborough Head would have suited you just fine yesterday :good:


    I'm impressed - that's the very place I go to!  Alas, work prevents me from going this week... or the next,and the one after etc. Must be hot today, even our cats only spent a few minutes outside - up until today they've been happy to mooch around outdoors all day.

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  20. God, I really do feel for the people on the North Sea coasts sometimes. Watching everyone else get sunny skies and pleasantly warm temperatures, while they're stuck with the rubbish cool weather under the sea frets. Must really be frustrating sometimes.


    I often go to my favourite,secluded North Sea coastal spot on me mo'bike just for that, and to leave all the heat,the sun,the general hideousness of the season and the hordes of peasants it is so good at extracting from the woodwork behind. And when the missus has done with the parasol and summer has done with us, I'm going to reinforce it with scaffold pole in anticipation of Autumn's delights.

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