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Posts posted by 0000

  1. Could be worse gents (and ladies too!) Imagine if it were mayflies invading your bedroom. Would be like having a four winged mini Cessna buzzing about at night.

    Let's not go there though eh.

    Phil. :o

    I had a tickle on my leg one night,thought i was in luck till it turned out to be an earwig in the bed eeeeeeeeeeek

  2. Hi Hannegan. :)

    Yep, those little brown bas****s. Plus if you do swat one, the dust afterwards left on any material you smacked it on.

    Mind you. We did once have a barbeque with the neighbours in late July 2003 under a large gazebo. (When we then had something called a Summer! :) ) one flew straight into a lit candle. I know they are attracted to light but this one really did, well, out of frying pan, into the fire, so's to speak. :)

    It didn't do that again.


    lol, did it do the meschershmitt (sp)WWII style spiral to the ground with smoke trailing behind it?

  3. I take your point there, Stephen. But butterfiles don't fly into your house at the merest chink of light at night, fly all around you when trying to do some work on your PC then go loopy and act like a kamikaze fighter pilot falling to the carpet.

    What purpose do moths actually serve in nature anyway? Just to irritate humans on nights where the heat and humidity is so high that you'd literally suffocate without some sort of cool breeze entering from an open window?

    Beautiful as they are some species, it's the smaller ones that are the most annoying.


    hiya phil!!! :) I think I know the type of moth you are refering to,is it that teeny weeny type that fly in ever decreasing circles just in front of your nose that fly off like a jet when you try to swat them only for them to return just as you get back on with what you were doing?

  4. i realise you have a lot to deal with if it strikes, but it would be great to get first hand reports here on NW from the area. hope you dont have to evacuate and that the severity drops to a safer level. keep us posted eh?? :)

    It s a dilema as a weatherhead mind mick,evacuate..............miss the greatest show on earth or be safe,personaly i'd get the kids away and stay lol

  5. Well thundersnow or indeed normal electrical storms,all good! I'll put my name forward to join but it means i'll be expecting the southern members to share a few more of their storms with us northern folk http://nwstatic.co.uk/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif

    I think the screen is 3 inch but it's nice and clear and you can use the zoom and postcode zoom so there's no problem with size.

    and to quote blackadder 'its not what you've got but where you stick it' :rolleyes:

  6. For anyone who is interested, The documentary on the History Channel last night was fascinating and disturbing!....For anyone who missed it, it is available to sky+ subscribers on 'anytime' tv for the next week, and also on the internet, using the sky player software....unmissable viewing!

    i forgot the bloody thing was on but its repeated on there i think :D

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