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Everything posted by UKSupercell

  1. Seems to me that the North-West and Home Counties just get bugger all. Those in Cheshire, Lancashire...I share your frustration!
  2. Disappointing night really. Thunderstorm around 4AM with about 15 lightning flashes and some moderate-heavy bursts of rain, very infrequent lightning. Not exciting whatsoever. And we had a storm around 11AM in South Bucks, lots of thunder, and some small flashes of infrequent lightning, and rain. Total crap so far. Nout like what the folks in Notts, the West Country or Kent have had! Lucky so an so's !
  3. Yep, and on that note I'm buggering off to bed. Waste of time staying up for this. Saw some very infrequent, hardly impressive lightning, and it rained. Fantastic..... Now can we have what Notts had or what Kent had or what Peterborough area had or what Worcester area is currently having....? Boring Bucks.
  4. Moderate-heavy rain and just seen about 10-15 lightning strikes to the east, not particularly exciting really when you see lightning once every 150 seconds
  5. Right I'm going to the window which looks East, North or South. Nout to the west anywho.....can hear thunder now so be back soon.
  6. Yeah, and as I predicted, the French-imports so far have been a Kent-clipper, and just so you and all the other Northerners are aware: South-east England is not JUST Kent!!! Kent is like extreme south-east England.The South-East is Kent, East/West Sussex, Surrey, Berks, Bucks, Oxfordshire, Greater London, Herts and possibly Essex and Bedfordshire. Absolutely sweet FA so far in South Bucks.
  7. From Metoffice: This Evening and Tonight:"Most places dry this evening with some sunshine, although isolated thunderstorms are possible, mainly in Central England and Wales. Staying very warm and humid overnight with an increasing risk of widespread thunderstorms developing across southern counties later in the night. " Come on!!!!
  8. You lot in Notts are in for a right treat at present. For crying out loud, give us some French imports or some homegrown crackers tomorrow, the wait for a decent thunderstorm continues in my part of South-East England.
  9. Last storm I saw with frequent lightning was.....not even in England! It was in Pheonix, Arizona several years ago.....Now that says it all. I agree with Paul Sherman, growing up in the 90s, I witnessed many great lightning storms, but there has been sweet FA in the last several years.
  10. Convection looks rather weak in South Bucks at the moment, and it appears that the cap is too substantial at present. There is scattered alto cumulus castellanus and it feels muggy. Say, how much do I bet that the inevitable Northern-France MCS is a Kent-Suffolk clipper and the storms tomorrow are west of me over cotswolds, west country way?!?! A bloody lot! Haha, oh I won't be surprised if we get damn all but for the moment I'm slightly optimistic for once, I reckon we'll see something at least. Besides, last Wednesday's pretty isolated light-storms developed right next door to me and I had a grand view of the rapid convection and growth of a Cumulonimbus. That was kind of lucky, makes a change
  11. Just got back from a drive. Seems to me that some areas just had a bit of rain, virtually nothing. Others there was huge puddles at the side of the road...It did start raining light-moderate with huge drops as I left. First pic here is one of the cells from earlier, I believe. One which was around East-Bucks into Herts. Second pic was just some decaying cells looking north-eastwards further into Hertfordshire.
  12. It might be damn humid but screw it I will go for drive up to Rickmansworth and back.
  13. Quite a few big rumbles of thunder here I can report. But due to doing other things, didn't get to stay perched by the window and watch for lightning. Hasn't rained a drop though as far as I can see. I'm near Beaconsfield, it seems to me that much of the precipitation has been slightly eastwards over towards Denham and Rickmansworth....tempted to go for a drive into this area actually, don't know if it's worth it?!?!
  14. Just snapped these on the Iphone4 in South Bucks looking east towards London - surely these are potential storm cells....?
  15. Just caught some what look like, huge, high towering cumulus clouds amongst the broken haze in South Bucks. Looks potentially thundery, but I doubt it. So far, I'm right again, unfortunately. Patchy drizzle is the best we can get here....Yawn.
  16. Thanks for that, very interesting there. Some good points and likely explanations as to why there seems to have been such a lack of thunderstorms, especially imported, in the last several years.
  17. As per usual, there will be no thunderstorms in Britain, I suspect. I'm a negative b*stard when it comes to hoping for storms because it simply never ever happens, and the last several summers have been dire for storms. As much as I track net-weather extra's radar, it appears to me that all the storms develop over central-southern and Eastern France and move towards the Low Countries and into West Germany. It happens every single time. If they ever move bang on towards the UK, the dissipate most of the time before they reach the coast, or they clip Kent and East Sussex and that's it. Another humid spell likely to be ended by patchy Drizzle.......
  18. MUST SAY! First proper thunderstorm in years, finally today, I saw a reasonable summer storm. Around 50 flashes of lightning, loud thunder, absolutely torrential downpours of rain. Was the best I've seen in years, the lightning was still what I wouldn't class as frequent, as it was about 1-2 flashes per minute at most, but saw lots of flashes and the rain was incredible. I will upload a print screen of the net-weather radar shot over my location, as you can see we got a huge cell, unfortunately, I wasn't on net-weather at the time to see the lightning strike recording as I was installing a graphics card, but this cell produced a deluge of rain and a good amount of lightning:
  19. They're all moving north-easterly to Belgium, Netherlands...They do 80% of the time.
  20. As per usual, where I live (in South Buckinghamshire) we will get bugger all I guarantee it. Good thunderstorms are a thing of the past, if we get a good one today/tonight/tomorrow/sunday (we won't) then everyone on here has my permission to laugh at me. Because it just won't happen.... Humid and cloudy but I can't see anything developing.
  21. I rest my case that the midlands and north get the most thunderstorms of any region in Britain. Metoffice was looking promising for this week (yesterday to Saturday) and look what's happened in South Bucks! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! Nothing on wednesday, nothing today, will be nothing tonight looking at net-weather's Premium Euro Radar and I'm healthily pessimistic there will be, as per usual, NOTHING tomorrow. The Home Counties get absolutely bugger all in terms of storms and I'm sick of it.
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