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Everything posted by Sleet30031972

  1. Most snow of the year for Derby. Carnage on the roads and surrounding areas - especially any with altitude. In fact so much so, I had a car crash in Crich and wasn't the only one. Total carnage. Idiot!
  2. Light snow in Derby central. Will be off on a snow hunt shortly. :-)
  3. Are you on some kind of mountain in Leicester or something? :-) Rain here in derby.
  4. The rain bit doesn't seem to be too much of a problem :-). Heavy rain today. I don't have elevation here but neither do some of the other posters. And being further west and south of me sometimes I would have thought Derby would be more likely to be in the colder air. Doesn't seem to have been like that this winter anyway?
  5. Another massive upgrade for tomorrow. This time by the metoffice. Sleet largely disappeared. Looks a mostly heavy snow event now! We'll see.
  6. Just cold rain again in Derby today. As a newcomer to the area, I'm finding it increasingly perplexing how, all this winter, points west, and south of me are having snow and Derby isn't? (I get why points north and peak district do). Today for example, Stoke, Telford, Birmingham, Warwickshire and Leicester have snow. Derby - zilch. How so? Odd.
  7. That is a massive upgrade for tomorrow by the (admittedly well dodgy) netweather forecast. Mild air arriving much later. Pretty much anywhere around here other than Derby city centre (me!) would have solid heavy snow all day by the looks of that! Thoughts?
  8. Obviously the well dodgy netweather forecast is still telling me it is snowing heavily :-). Something it has been very stubborn about over the last 24 hours.
  9. Been raining quite heavily in Derby for last hour or so. As a relative newcomer to this city I've come to realise that it isn't the most blessed for snow.
  10. Well I've never been convinced by the netweather forecasts and last night confirmed it. It consistently forecast hours of heavy or moderate snow. To all appearances not one flake has fell. I have never seen such a discrepancy at the nowcasting stage with it before. To be used with extreme caution I think :-)
  11. Er Wot ze funk!!!! Netweather has me down for HEAVY snow in 7 hours!! Cant remember when this was shown before at such short range (actually I can - never). Questions: 1. If this is correct why isn't this thread going into overdrive? 2. Where did this come from? Roughly 4 hours ago it was very light snow showers? 3. If this is wrong (probably?) how could a half decent weather bit of software (?) get things so badly wrong at such short range??
  12. Strange that. I wonder what the reasons for it being so cold in Solihull were? Over here in the East Midlands a raw night but not an overly cold one. Don't have a thermometer at the moment but I would guess a minimum of around +2 for Derby city centre at best.
  13. Agreed. Much worse gusts over last hour or two than Eleanor. Seems to be a fair bit of snow forecast over next 72 hours on the netweather forecast :-) We'll see
  14. The weather is strange! Hard really to think of a good reason why there has been no snow in the Derby area but lots in the Northampton area? I suppose with hindsight people would be able to come up with reasons (?) but no one could have predicted this. I suppose it is why we find it so fascinating! Winter 2017/18 in the Derby area, whilst better than the preceding 3 years, has been a frustrating case of what might have been. On the very edge of the earlier Midlands snow slider (we got about 2cms where I live. By 10am we were sledging over mud on the local park) and, last night, I didn't see a single flake.
  15. Yeah fair enough. Not a proper white out i suppose. Probably more accurate to say it was a very heavy period of snowfall.
  16. Wasn't ramping. It was a white out (albeit briefly - 5 mins - and marginal settling). Why so suspicious? Yes it is remarkably cold.
  17. Moderate snow here again (Webcam disclaimer - not settling so probably will not show a right lot)
  18. It was snowing earlier. Very heavy at times. Never settled properly. Webcams not really going to show that.
  19. White out conditions here in Godalming! I jest not! (I fear some of you suspect me of ramping).
  20. This is, I do not exaggerate, the heaviest snow of the winter! Big flakes, limited visibility, intense fall, wind whipping it around. Settling on grass, rooves etc
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