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Posts posted by iand61

  1. Could hear the rain on the roof as the band of rain/showers crossed earlier but hopefully it’s cleared through now and we might just scrape a reasonable day.

    as already, said, it’s been wet for what seems an eternity and whether the actual figures show anything approaching record breaking or not, it’s well up there in the depressing charts.

    hopefully lighter evenings will coincide with an improvement and at the moment I’ll take either cold or mild providing it’s dry.

    just need a break from the rain😩

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  2. Heard the rain when I went to bed last night but it didn’t keep me away so it was either not that heavy here or I was tired, probably a bit of both as I after a couple of later nights, I usually start the working week more tired than I end it.

    Not the best of forecasts today with rain setting in to give an increasingly wet afternoon and  evening and not much better tomorrow.

    No surprise at all that when the outlook is anything but cold and seasonal, the cloud and rain will do it’s best to take away any benefit available from the very mild conditions on offer.

    dreary at best😫

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  3. Dry morning but increasingly damp as the afternoon went on.

    not heavy, that fine rain Peter Kay said soaks you through and it cleared off just in time for dusk.

    it always amazes me how often a poor day suddenly bucks up just as it starts to go dark or in the summer, around 6 o’clock.

    as already said, some drifts still left behind the walls and quite a bit along the sides of the higher parts of the road over to Burnley.

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  4.  Rush2019  had to push the last of mine down the drive so I could get the cars on but it was a  minute of a job as 90% of what came down yesterday had already melted before I came home from work.

    even the tops are looking green again now apart from the odd white streak along the back of the walls.

    there used to be a saying around these parts that if the snow lays against the walls then more is on the way but I don’t think that any of this lot will be here long enough to make that claim.

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  5.  severe snowstorm My missus wasn’t happy with my wet two inches either but she didn’t say whether it was to much or not enough for her😂

    Seriously though, I get where you are coming from but if that’s the best that a mid winter storm with embedded cold sourced air can deliver at 1000ft asl in northern England then we don’t have a lot to get excited about moving forwards.

    It’s a shame but whilst our “cold” is still readily available, it’s becoming less and less the type that brings snow and more the technically mild but still raw feeling crap that gets right into your bones as was the case up here yesterday and is still a problem today.



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  6. Now that the last chances of snow are being replaced by rain, was there anyone in the region who actually ended up with more than they were forecast or expected.

    Up here, even taking the usual last minute downgrades into consideration, the couple of inches of wet snow I ended up with was poor compared to what I was expecting.

    yes the yellow warning was probably warranted but only down to the condition of the roads and the number of local accidents and closures and certainly not because of the amount of snow which ended up falling.

    The local roads that cross the higher tops were pretty bad with snow blowing off the fields with some decent photos on the local FB page but to put it into context, it’s the third covering of snow we have had this winter and although it had the least depth and is the one likely to vanish the quickest, was the only one to be given a weather warning.

    oh and I was only a couple of miles outside of the amber warning.

    not particularly bothered as I am fast heading into spring mode and just want the icy slushy mess to disappear but given what we were looking at just 48 hours ago, it was a disappointing let down.

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  7. Just above the snow line here and so far we’ve ended up with a couple of inches cover whereas further down the valley it’s barely stuck even though it’s fallen constantly since it came light.

    somethings still falling or rather blowing horizontally on a bitter east wind but I’m not sure what and it’s certainly not in large flake form.

    all in all a disappointing day, even up here with the double whammy of marginal temperatures and lighter than expected precipitation although maybe our loss has been someone else’s gain.

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  8. Looking at the radar, the first of whatever is falling will reach here in about an hour which matches the MET app for OL13.

    after that it’s showing snow symbols throughout until the evening before things turn a bit more sleety afterwards.

    in the meantime though, the winds is already getting noisy around the side of house so an interesting day coming up and anyone on high ground is going to get hammered.

    work is a fair bit lower than home although still above 600ft but sure I’ll be looking at the door camera and checking on the speed of traffic going up the hill to the county boundary at the summit.

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  9.  algernon aye, Haslingden Road closed tonight for yet another burst water main.

    only the fourth time in a year so a 4 mile detour coming home and probably the same again in the morning.

    M66 and and the A56 bypasses are decent but the main roads up the valleys are diabolical and mainly used as training grounds for utility digging and temporary light setup.

    never mind at least the snow will fill the potholes in😂


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  10. Looking at the timing, I can’t see snow being a problem going to work in the morning but it could be an interesting drive home again later.

    I’m just outside the amber area here but it’s looking more and more like altitude will play a big part so I can see all of the Rossendale area, even the valley bottom getting a covering which will play havoc with the already crappy and full Victorian road system.

    Roads over the tops still look to be in for a pasting though so just glad home is the highest I have to drive.


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  11.  Weather-history yeah the signs are there for one of the heaviest falls of widespread snow for several years and ironically it could come in one of least snowy winters.

    Maybe something along the lines of January 2013 is coming where a heavy fall across the region was gone within a couple of days and given it coincided with me being in London for the weekend; the only snow I saw was on the Saturday morning news.

    But apart from the late March BFTE blizzard, it was largely snow free even up here.


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