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Everything posted by cookie27

  1. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Naked-in-the-Snow-2013/473077339418612?sk=photos_stream haha hilarious....good old british people and snow
  2. Rather strange that they have gritted everywhere, if they are forecasting rain as would just wash it all away
  3. following on from my post earlier looks like ppn in the wash has merged with front from Nw and now peeped it up a bit, heading SSE
  4. Looking very interesting Got 3 areas of ppn 1. the batch to NE 2. The blob 3. Formation in the wash All heading this way, if the all merge could be a very interesting night ahead. glued to all the radars, NetW, Meto and Rain today
  5. I am really going to be interested to see how this stuff coming from the north west interacts with the blob in north sea and maybe pull the blob further west........very interesting few hours
  6. love the night temp range for next friday -3 to +4 thats a huge difference
  7. Snowing in Greenwich....yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. Snowing in Greenwich....yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. Just seen one of these going down Trafalgar Road in Greenwich.....think the council are desperately trying to grit the main roads
  10. Snowing nicely here it Greenwich...stocked up on beer and wine for the best to come later.
  11. [Not me gotta be early to get to Wembley for Olympics Volunteer Orientation training, what's the betting I get stuck trying to get home.]
  12. getting a bit windy here down south would guess 30mph then quiet and a then its just gone quiet, like being in the tropics
  13. Wind picking up here in London..any news from up north?
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