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Everything posted by bbtablet

  1. Tim - I think Gary was talking specifically about Lowestoft, and he may well be right!
  2. Floaty - so that's where the washer-reservoir is! I often wonder where the water goes when I top up - it just seems to disappear!
  3. It seems that in the space of thirty minutes the Models thread has gone from blizzards everywhere to nothing at all for our region on Friday/Saturday. All year through, if I want to know the weather three days ahead I look at the local TV forecast for that day and expect (and very frequently get) the opposite - seldom fails. Does anyone else do this? On this basis tonight's local TV forecast for Saturday of up to 4" of snow seems to guarantee no snow at all - we shall see!
  4. Southern Norfolk and north Suffolk look most likely for some sustained snow tonight from the current radar - certainly settled in and snowing fairly hard now in Worlingworth..
  5. looking at the radar, the intensity is developing and its area is also growing - all heading E.Anglia's way. All good at the moment!
  6. Here's my forecast: 1) no snow tonight for any of us. 2) BBC will carry on tomorrow as if nothing has happened - no backtrack/apology for getting it soooo wrong. 3) Mostly dry day tomorrow, a few rain showers. 4) Steady thaw. 5) North of England and Wales get bucketfuls. BUT:- W.T.H.D.I.K?
  7. I do the same, and whenever I begin to feel I am in a position to give advice I read a few pages of the Model discussion threads to remind me that I know nothing!
  8. I wouldn't worry about their "patches". All evening the BBC have been saying bad for Essex (no mention of Suffolk or Norfolk), but the solid blocks of white on their map are NOT on Essex and ARE on Suffolk and Norfolk! I think it is called "hedging their bets"! Incidentally, I was born in Homewood Road, St. Albans.
  9. Well, I've just watched the 20.00 hrs forecast on BBC Channel 80, and that was a considerable escalation of the snow risk on earlier reports. If Rob is right there is hell to come across the whole country in the next few days.
  10. Did you see that Norfolk councillor on the BBC News complaining that Norfolk planned ahead and got in plenty of grit/salt for this winter, but the Government is now telling them they must pass it on to other counties who are running short because they did not plan ahead sufficiently? Norfolk are now likely to run short themselves if this continues. Don't think this is just a council problem. When you get old and need care, the Government currently requires you to use most of your savings to pay for the care, and, if alone, in many cases sell your house as well to pay for it, whereas those who have spent their money as they earned it and have not saved or own a house get the care paid for them by the Government. What would you rather be like - Norfolk or the other counties?
  11. I loved that poster who talked about the snow coming this weekend to the Isle of White! Hahahahahahahaha!
  12. Hi - suggest you move 4 miles away to Eye! They always seem to have rain when it's dry all around, and they certainly had some good snow a couple of weeks ago!
  13. Why, givern the situation, is the latest BBC video forecast still the one put out at about 3.30 this afternoon?!!!!!!
  14. Down-grading the snowfall in the west country already, and it looks as if Suffolk and Norfolk will not see any of this snowfall. Norfolk may get some showers off the North Sea tomorrow, but Suffolk looks clear enough in the latest pictures on BBC News (Channel 80) for me to risk taking the local Community Bus to Bury St. Edmunds and back during tomorrow. Still, things could change by the morning!
  15. Sorry to be so thick, but I am new here - what is a nowcast and how do I access it? Thanks.
  16. Last update from Worlingworth for 2009. We have had periods of large flake snowfall which settled initially but now the roads are clear. Cars and roofs a light covering still showing. Snow gone now and skies clearing. Nice surprise as nothing was forecast for here - 20 miles north of Ipswich in deepest rural Suffolk. Happy New Year all.
  17. Light snow started in N Suffolk 30 minutes ago. Now heavier and settling on cars only so far.
  18. Mark - please add your location to your profile using the My Control tab at the top of the page - otherwise we don't know where you are talking about. Thanks, Bernard.
  19. My son's in Kenya at the moment - do you suggest I warn him?
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