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Everything posted by Bottesford

  1. NEW RELEASE - Version 1.05 Thanks to a suggestion by WhiteFox I've now added an 'Export to Excel' option to the program. This allows you to build up the data you want to see then export it into Excel for graphing, etc. Requirements: MS Office 2003 with Excel installed. It *may* work with older versions - will test tomorrow. The program will complain if the correct version of Excel is not installed but you may choose to try the export anyway. The program will crash if the required component is not found. I've put a direct link to the new EXE until it has been tested sufficiently. To install you must download version 1.00 from the above link. Then download this new EXE and copy it over the old one which will probably be found in : C:\Program Files\CET Analyser Hope someone finds it useful! Download Link: Version 1.05
  2. Sky is beginning to clear as cloud is being pushed south all of a sudden... Here arrives that cold air!
  3. Well it feels positively balmy this morning - 8C! I even took my hat off as I was cycling in. Very dull tho. It's getting ready for tonight...
  4. Clouds! First time I've seen them in a while. So its now both cold & dull 2C at present. Hope the Sun comes out
  5. And the leaves on the trees - I've been watching the trees outside my office window shed a leaf every 10 seconds or so... its mesmorising to watch! No wind at all, just one by one each leaf falls...
  6. No one at all using it? Thought it might have been handy for you CET surfers!
  7. Oky doky - understandable with launching websites - so so so soooo many things to think about then just when you think its done - boom another 3 hours to fix that stupid little bug you'd forgotten about...
  8. Ah rightio shall be interested to see the new site on Monday! Oh and have you had a chance to look at my CETAnalyser tool? Not had much feedback from anyone yet! Cheers
  9. The UKMO & ECMWF charts in N-W extra don't seem to be working in case you didn't know... Oh and the NWW3 charts have not updated since mid October
  10. Ah good good! Anyone else have problems, etc? Keen for feedback since I know how software bugs always sneak through!
  11. Not sure what the problem is there- not getting that issue here. How did you get this problem? Tell me what search string you have in the 'Command String Editor' box and I should be able to help. If I have 'YearCET > 10' then it works fine for me.
  12. Cheers chaps - let me know how you get on!
  13. After a few weeks of work I'm now releasing my CETAnalyser software for everyone here to use. The software basically downloads the Met Office CET data and displays it in an easy to read grid. You can then perform commands on the data- for example you could list all the years with below average February's (using 61-90 or 71-00 averages). You could list years in order of hottest summers, coldest winters, mildest January's etc. The program allows for a fairly wide of searches to be done and includes a command line mode to define your own commands. I shall not detail it all here as the system comes with a help file and has (I hope!) a fairly intuitive interface). I like it if you'd give it a try and let me know any problems or feedback you have. Notes: You REQUIRE the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 (it MUST be version 1.1!) available from Windows Update (under 'Software, Optional'). The installer will complain if you do not have it installed and direct you to a download page. I suggest you use Windows Update to download rather than this link. To download the program: Goto: http://www.thebottesfordbar.co.uk and choose 'Software' from the menu. It is a 300Kb download. The .NET framework is a 23Mb download. Please use this thread to ask any questions or give feedback. Hope you find it useful!
  14. Cheers - looks like I might just make it to the pub without getting too wet!
  15. The radar's stopped updating! 16:15 was last one!
  16. It's snowing! Well apparently... In the Synops data in NW-extra the current condition for Nottingham is: "Rain and Snow". I must be missing something as I sit under almost clear skies- like the sandstorm last week! Where's the data from???
  17. Goto 'Synops Data' and choose Nottingham Weather Centre. Look at current weather... Menus - they do work in Opera, its just they tend to go off suddenly if you don't navigate them exactly right - feels like a gap between main & sub menus. You have to move quick to avoid them dissapearing! Hard to explain really..
  18. Just got onto NWExtra and noted for little problems you may not be aware of. - Radar overlay only works for Europe & UK. The regional ones don't work with the following error: /home/httpd/vhosts/n-w-cirrus.co.uk/httpdocs/secure/cgi-bin/gribproc/data2/radar2/images/radareire_1045.png (for Eire this was) -The F1 forecasts don't work (not that I follow F1!). Getting a SQL error and missing file error. - Nottingham is having a dust storm! Apparently.. - Menu's are a pain in the backside in Opera browser; fine in IE of course. Otherwise its great stuff! Now to learn what half of it all means.. http://nwstatic.co.uk/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif
  19. The CET page is broken - all previous months details are missing! Any news on that + or - values column I mentioned before?
  20. 21C and hazy sunshine. Summertime!
  21. I think the planet is just too warm for the kind of winter many people hope for. Yes snow & cold is possible but weeks of ice days, 10 foot snow drifts and a negative CET is just not gonna happen!
  22. Pesky low cloud making it dull and overcast. 13C. How long till it burns off I wonder...
  23. Hot & sunny : 25C, partly cloudy/mostly sunny, light breeze. Very very hot in this office though- why does the hottest weather always come mid-week?!?
  24. Persistant heavy rain, pond flooded, cycling to work now impossible so having to take the bus so will be at least 20 mins late!! grrr. Monday morning not good time. At least it's mild at 16C (heh)
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