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Posts posted by SF-02

  1. Any chance they will un-cancel all the trains in SE England if this storm is not as bad as was first thought?I'm more terrified of the crush on the platform in the morning trying to get on a train than the wind to be honest. Current models make this look like a fairly normal windstorm with some gusty winds inland and heavy rain. ...... not exactly a mega storm.

    Don't leave until you've checked national rail departures and realtimetrains.com for up to the minute info. Ignore everything else as likely to be wrong or behind the times.

  2. Depends where you are I suppose. I got 2 inches in Feb 09, I've beaten that today

    Exactly. Just because many have done well the past couple of years doesn't mean all have. Normally we miss out on anything more than 1cm except feb 2009 which was still less than most. But today is great! Beats almost all snow events of recent years here. I know that as I found my snow pics folder from earlier events on the PC earlier and it tallies with what I remembered.

  3. The BBC morning forecast was spot on. The band died away around the Greenwich meridian line with areas east getting barely anything and progressively more going west and south.

    That means Peter (if this doesn't say cockroft when referring to a bbc forecaster, I have maturity issues) Cockrofts forecast of not much snow in recent days was spot on for many.

  4. Is there anyone in the Bexley area that could kindly provide me with a report please. I work in the City and I need to make a judgement call on whether to leave now and work at home for the rest of the day. Thanking you in advance.

    I'm nearby. Not much at all right now. Looking on the radar just about everywhere else has had more including central London. Not sure how long that will last with some orange bands moving west.

  5. Like I said yesterday (if this doesn't say (if this doesn't say cockroft when referring to a bbc forecaster, I have maturity issues) Cockroft when referring to a bbc forecaster, I have maturity issues) (if this doesn't say cockroft when referring to a bbc forecaster, I have maturity issues) Cockcroft always backtracks at the last minute if its on

    Maybe he doesn't like giving false hopes when it comes to snow

    We would all be slating him if he ramped last Monday

    It works both ways

    And he did predict quite a bit of snow in December which didn't happen at all so he isn't always pushing mild weather.

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