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Posts posted by masked_firefly

  1. Looks like the edge is just getting to Huntingdon and Cambridge, so probably still a couple of hours, to be honest the later it gets here the better, the more we can get during darkness the quicker it will settle.

    Hope you can wait that longsmile.png

    I've waited about 4 days now so another few hours is good by me!...

    I would love to see a bit of 'daytime' snow fall but your right the more we get at night the better :)

  2. I've gone from heavy snow, light snow and now I'm down to have sleet according to my iPhone app, met weather still going for snow.

    I'm begging it to snow even if its just a little covering I've roped family into helping me get the 'bulky' parts of my shopping today as being soley dependant on walking to shops each day with a buggy it would be a no go in any snow (learnt this the hard way last year) if we get nothing I'm going to look like I've made it up :(

  3. Loving all this prospect of snow, yes it does become a nightmare for me to get around but this year unlike last year I'm a little more prepared that I have a sledge for my son so he can sit on that instead of attempting (and failing) at pushing a buggy in it!

    Can't wait to build a snowman my sisters little boy has his heart set on a snowman and snow dog!!

    Looking at one of the posts looks like almost continuous snow fall for my part of the world from Monday.

    Hello to any other Ipswich folk!

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