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Everything posted by CardiffStorm

  1. Im so jealous, wish I was in the East today. Stupid Welsh weather always lets me down
  2. I've got rain and lots of it but no T&L. Also, my cars out of action so I cant go anywhere to catch other storms, how annoying :o
  3. The sky looks good there in Hull, wish I was there.
  4. Just had a quick look at the radar and i think all im going to get is rain. The cloud seems to be very heavy overhead so no chance of heating. Looks like im in the no storms club today!! And my cars out of action so I cant chase today either
  5. Had some very heavy rain today. Its been on and off virtually all day but no thunder or lightning unfortunately. Amazing images earlier in this discussion by the way. Every weather organisation has given and has updated warnings today. ESTOFEX now giving a level 1 for tornadoes in the SE.
  6. well after severe weather such as heavy rain there is obviously a huge risk of flash flooding and emergency services etc dont seem to realise this or if they do they do not react to the risk. For example, where I live, a few weeks ago there was very heavy rain that had been predicted and for which warnings were issued. When the local stream/river then flooded the emergency services and council seemed utterly surprised and did not know what to do. This may just be a local issue where I live, i dont know if its the same in other areas but surely the UK government should be doing more to get warnings, funding for training, and broadcasting of warnings to local councils and emergency services.
  7. I completely unnderstand that the met office does absolutely brilliant work and any forcasting system on the scale as in the USA would be a bit of a waste of money and resources. However, many of the more advanced and specialist forcasts e.g. aviation and more upto date radar are generally only available to commercial users as fairly high costs. Information given to the general public seems somewhat watered down. What about other private weather organisations that also do brilliant work, do they not deserve some govt. funding? Also, the managment of the effects of severe weather in the UK seems pretty bad and this surely can only be down to the government.
  8. I've been into weather for a long time now but I have just recently got into tracking/chasing/photographing weather here in the UK. When looking on the internet a few months ago for reliable radar, warnings etc I was shocked to find that the Met Office updates their radar only every 30 minutes and never talk of tornados and other severe weather that we do actually get in the UK. I was also surprised that organisations such as TORRO that do amazing work get no government funding. The governments lack of interest in severe weather has been seen in the last few years especially with flooding. When comparing the UK with the USA it seems blatently obvious that the UK government simply does not care. Just wanted to know if anybody else has an opinion on this.
  9. Fairly severe thunderstorm moving West along the South coast of Wales since about 6pm today (25th) and still continue to move West, still quite strong. Managed to get some good videos. http://www.youtube.com/user/cardiffstormchaser
  10. Although I believe that 'climate change' may be happening (not necessarily due to human activity) I certainly dont understand how they can predict what is going to happen in 70 years. Nobody on Earth has ever experienced 'climate change' so there is absolutely no way of knowing what will happen. The media are just scare mongering (sorry if spelt wrong). Even if temperatures did rise by 6 degrees I'm pretty sure humanity could come up with a solution and nature can and does adapt very quickly.
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