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Maybe something of interest?


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  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Well, wasn't sure where to put this, and in truth not even sure if anyone is interested, but hey-ho ;)


Latitude: 15° 07' N.

Longitude: 117° 45' E.

A multinational team of Amateur Radio Operators from Asia, Europe, and the United States are poised and prepared to ensure that every DXer gets a chance to make a contact with this rare entity/country.

No firm dates yet, but 20 April for 10 days seems to be the general consensus.

Scarborough Reef.

Description: Scarborough Reef is noted for high levels of biodiversity. The populations of organisms on the reefs of the South China Sea are believed to be linked through the exchange of the free-swimming life stages that characterize most reef species. Being highly isolated, Scarborough Reef may play a particularly crucial role as an "outpost" in this exchange of genetic material and in the restocking of overfished fringing reefs in the Philippines and China.

Threats: Like the Spratly Islands to the southwest, Scarborough Reef is the subject of ownership disputes. The reef is claimed by the Philippines, mainland China, and Taiwan. Fishers from all three areas regularly fish the reef. However, the unclear ownership and lack of regulation exacerbate competition for the resources. Fishers stock up on blasting devices and cyanide to fish the reef in short, destructive trips. The reef is a major site for shark fishing with gill nets and for the capture of large fish for the live fish trade using cyanide. Ships load their holds with coral to sell as decorations for store windows and aquariums.

The U.S. military used the reef for bombing practice during the 1990 confrontation with Iraq, complicating matters(( :good: )). Large and unique underwater dunelike structures of organ-pipe coral tens of meters long were used as targets. Substantial areas of coral were torn apart by the explosions. Many of the bombs failed to explode, littering the lagoon with live ordinance. It is reportedly common for a fisher to drop a small explosive charge in a beer bottle, only to set off a massive explosion. Visitors to the reef over the years have reported increasing levels of degradation from the combination of abuses to the reef.


In Amateur Radio terms, it's the most wanted country/entity on the list of 337, so it'll be interesting to see if Mondy's little setup will get through to them. He has grave doubts about this :lol:

There have been a couple of earlier expeditions to this reef. A picture or two is often worth a thousand words!



I think you can probably see why it's the rarest of the lot :lol:

As an aside, and IF, sea-levels do rise dramatically in the long term, Scarborough Reef may one day be gone.

Anyway, thought i'd post this for anyone with a fleeting interest. There's loads more info on the reef (and piccies) searching google etc..

Here's a location map.


  • Replies 36
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  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Just found these pics from 1995 expedition :unsure:



Mad as hatters :clap:

  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

All good fun. Am i right in the assumption that to communicate with them you will have to bounce your signal off exactly the right part of the atmosphere rather like snooker but with a slightly larger margin of error? :unsure:

Good luck with your attempt(s) :clap:


  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Pretty much right, Rusty. :good:

Beam the antenna (signal) either over the North Pole (short path) or directly on to them (long path). It really depends on propagation* http://dx.qsl.net/propagation/

The world as seen from Scarborough Reef: http://www.scarboroughreef.com/srfreqs.html

Thanks for the interest, mate. I find it all fascinating stuff, but have been told i'm a saddo :lol:

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
I find it all fascinating stuff, but have been told i'm a saddo :good:

Ya sad git!! :lol:

I think that in this day of the internet and mobile phones, a lot of people fail to realise how difficult and challenging good old radio can be.

Its great to see teams of enthusiasts still doing crazy things just for the hell of it, probably raising money for charity and also raising awareness of the area.. :D

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

When you sitting the foundation exam again, Potty? Local radio buddy's 13 y/o daughter recently passed hers! You can do it, mate!!

You're so right about the different challenges involved. That's what makes it fun. Mobile phone, landlines?...pahhh! Nothing makes you feel more proud knowing you contacted an Australian ham or radio op in Hawaii (or any other far away place). It's an addiction i've had for nearly 20 years now :D

The internet does though now play a massive part in Ham Radio. I'd be stuck without this magic piece of software. :angry:

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Just to keep anyone with a passing interest updated.


  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'
  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'
When you sitting the foundation exam again, Potty? Local radio buddy's 13 y/o daughter recently passed hers! You can do it, mate!!

Fascinating stuff there Mondy. I’ve not mentioned it on here before but I'm also a qualified Ham and still renew my license despite not being active for a number of years. I took my exam at 16 and had to travel all the way to Liverpool to take my Morse code test to get a full licence.

I wont divulge my call sign because that would reveal my true identity, and then I would have to shoot you, but it begins with G4.

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Gee-wiz, Kar!! You do like springing surprises, eh?! Brilliant B)

I actually think there's quite a few of us(hams) on here from time-to-time.

Great to read that, mate!

And yer a proper Ham too :) I never sat the morse test; was abolished by then. Never sat the foundation or intermediate either right enough - managed to get the ticket on the very last time before the new format appeared...phewww.....

If i'm honest, the techincal side was way over my head..dunno what the score woulda been; maybe 20% max ( :) ), but thankfully the ops procedures, i guess, took me through to a pass mark.

Great stuff, mate. No need to divulge your call either :)

  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'
  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'

The clue was in the fact that I'm still greatly interstested in the aurora, sunspot cycles and radio propagation. :bad:

When I get a mo I'll pm you about the early days when I used to chat with a very early pioneer and local G2 ham on my home built 10W AM 160m valve transmitter @10watts and a R107 receiver bought out of my pocket money from the army surplus stores!

( I did also have a modern 2m rig as well.)

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

PM away, Kar!

You'll have liked the ex-Army R210 as well then?! T'was my first introduction to ham radio :bad:

The clue was in the fact that I'm still greatly interstested in the aurora, sunspot cycles and radio propagation

Y'know, i've thought this for some time - but thought you were a solar/space weather dude! LOL

  • Location: Leigh-on-Sea Essex.
  • Location: Leigh-on-Sea Essex.

Nice one.. :wallbash: good luck with the contact Monders.. others-076.GIF

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Sourced a good map of the reef. The team arrived on the north side.


LAtest WX suggests 6ft wave forecast :wallbash:

  • Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and cold in winter, warm and sunny in summer
  • Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees

Very interesting stuff Monds, my next door neighbour back when I was 16 and living in Bridge of Earn was an enthusiast and tried to 'recruit' me :lol: but I just didn't get it, probably cos I was more interested in girls and motorbikes!

  • Location: Leigh-on-Sea Essex.
  • Location: Leigh-on-Sea Essex.

You should have heard it on the 'air'........... crazy... :) ...... :)

  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.
  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.

Here mondy,, Have you got something about people conquering rocks in the

middle of nowhere..! :nonono: .. Maybe you should set up ya radio on Rockall, i'll help ya..


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