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February weather stats

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  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Post your February stats here

Rainfall: 25.9mm (most of this fell in the first few days)

Highest wind gust: 65.0mph (February 3rd)

Coldest night: -6.9C (16th)

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  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

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Castlebay Isle Of Barra

Weather:It was mainly cloudy with showers. The 1st of march brought

snow with 80mph gusts. There was a week through the middle of the month which

was sunny and calm.

Pressure: Was normally 1005mb slightly lower than january and the lowest was

970mb and highest 1040mb.

Temp: The temp was usually around 6c to 7c. The lowest was -2c and highest


Humidity: Was high again with 80% to 90%.

WindChill: Was normally 5c to 6c but in severe winds -12c

Wind: At the start it was very windy with 80mph gusts it later eased down

through the middle of the month because of the high pressure but at the end

some more stormy weather came bringing 75mph gusts.

Rainfal: A very high rainfall this month with 200mm of rain.

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

For the Doncaster area

brief summary

An 'odd' month in a way, more air frosts than recently, and a 'cold' spell 10-20th inclusive with a mean temperature of 2.2C including an Ice Day, on the 19th, the first since 02/01/02. Drier and windier than usual, and again above normal temperatures for the month.


Average Min=1.6C(0.9)

Average Max=9.5C(6.5)

Highest daytime temperature was 15.2C on 24th, and highest night time min was 9.7C on 22nd

Lowest daytime max was -1.7C on 19th with the coldest night on 17th with -6.6C

There were 10 air frosts and 13 ground frosts with 1 day with snow but none of it lying.

3 days with fog and nil days with thunder

Rainfall was 15.8mm with 7 days with 0.2mm or more and 6 with 1.0mm or more.

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

A dry and milder than normal month here in the north east of Scotland.

Monthly Weather Data Report for Garioch Weather Station, Aberdeenshire – February 2008

Mean Temperature 5.1°C, 2.0°C higher than the 3.1°C norm.

Minimum Temperature -6.3°C, on the 2nd.

Mean Minimum Temperature 1.2°C, 0.6°C higher than the 0.6°C norm.

Maximum Temperature 15.0°C, on the 21st.

Mean Maximum Temperature 9.1°C, 3.0°C higher than the 6.1°C norm.

Maximum Daily High Wind Speed 36.0 mph, on the 22nd.

Total Rainfall 21.3mm, 30.3mm less than the 51.6mm norm (41.3%).

Average Bright Sunshine Hours 2.7hrs per day (101.5%).

  • Location: Tonbridge, Kent
  • Location: Tonbridge, Kent

Dominated by high pressure and mild overall but unusually "continental" type conditions reminiscent of the Meseta of Spain with some very large daily ranges of temperature thanks to the prevalence of clear skies with some deep frosts but rapidly rising daytime temps. Unlike previous mild Februaries in my records (e.g. 2002, 2000, 1995, 1990) which were largely cloudy, wet and maritime in nature there were some very notable diurnal temperature ranges of 15C+. The range of 8.8C for the monthly average daily min/max beat that of 7.3C in 1998 which is the only other similar type of February since 1984 here. Rainfall was only 40% of average with no falling snow observed. Without the lingering fog that HP often brings here at this time, it was a remarkably sunny month with nearly double the usual total of hours of sunshine.

----- FEBRUARY 2008 IN A NUTSHELL -----

Mean Daily Temperature: 5.6 ºC ( 0.9C ABOVE average )*

Average max: 10.6 ºC ( 2.8C ABOVE average )*

Average min: 1.8 ºC ( 0.7C BELOW average )*

Highest max: 14.9 ºC ( 9th )

Lowest min: -5.3 ºC ( 17th )

Warmest Daytime 12h Mean: 11.4 ºC ( 24th )

Coldest Daytime 12h Mean: 3.3 ºC ( 16th )

Coldest Nighttime 12h Mean: -3.4 ºC ( 16th/17th )

Warmest Nighttime 12h Mean: 10.4 ºC ( 25th/26th )

No.of Airfrosts: 12 days

Total Rainfall: 20.5 mm ( 40% of average )*

Total Rain Days (>=0.2mm): 11 days ( 3 BELOW average )*

incl Wet Days (=> 1.0mm): 4 days ( 7 BELOW average )*

Wettest Day: 10.9 mm ( 5th )

Wind Speed high gust: 32 mph ( 5th )

Dominant Wind Direction: SSW ( 37% )

Mean Daily Pressure: 1022.3 hPa

Highest Pressure: 1042.4 hPa ( 16th )

Lowest Pressure: 987.0 hPa ( 4th )

Estimated Sunshine Hours **: 115 Hours ( WELL ABOVE average )*

** calculated from limited solar sensor exposure of 101.5 hours

* average at this site 1984 - 2007

Full daily and monthly stats here: http://www.tonbridge-weather.org.uk/2008/2008-02.htm

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

Mild overall, rather dry and exceptionally sunny.

Fantastic mid month spell of unbroken sunshine, calmness, some exceptionally mild days and frosty nights.

Mean temp: 5.0c.

High max: 16.1c on 12th!!

Low max: 6.4c on 1st.

Low min: -7.7c on 17th.

High min: 9.4c on 22nd.

Air frost: 13

Ground frost: 17

Ice days: 0

Total rainfall: 69.9mm.

Wettest day: 15.5mm on 4th.

Rain days >0.2mm: 12

Wet days >1.0mm: 8

Days of heavy rain >10mm: 4

Mean pressure: 1022 mbar

Highest pressure: 1042 mbar on 16th.

Lowest pressure: 985 mbar on 3rd.

Mean RH: 81%

Max RH: 93% on various

Min RH: 47% on 12th.

Predominant wind direction: SSE

Mean wind speed: 1.3 mph.

Days with:

Hail: 5

Thunder: 0

Sleet or snow: 0

Gale: 0

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

A fascinating month for these reasons...

1. Recording 15c on 4 days which is the highest Feb temp ever for me.

2. Recording -6c which was the lowest temp for over a year.

3. Mean of 6.30c making it the warmest Feb ever for me despite 11 air frosts.

4. Only 30.5mm of rainfall making it the driest month since April 2007.

5. Having 8 days of maximum sunshine out of 10 days in mid-month.

Average max = 10.86c (Highest = 15c on 9, 11, 12, 27 Feb)

Average min = 1.75 (Lowest = -6c on 17 Feb)

Mean = 6.30c

Dry days = 20

Rain days = 9

Rainfall = 30.5mm

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

February opened with a short Polar Maritime airflow. The first couple days were on the cool side with brief hail and snow showers, which gave a slight covering for a few hours on the 2nd.

A little rain followed on the 3rd, 4thand 5th with milder SW winds.

By the 6th high pressure began to build strongly from the SE and the weather became much more settled and dry with a good deal of sunshine and some very mild day time temperatures, although with some moderate frost at night.

The 17th marked a change to much colder conditions as the high pressure shifted slightly north, this had the effect of delivering a slight continental influence, frost became severe at night and despite long sunny periods during the day time, the temperature struggled and remained on the cold side. Freezing fog became a feature by the 19th, which persisted all day; consequently the temperature didn’t rise above 0c, the coldest day of the winter so far.

The cold spell ended on the 21st as the high weakened and began to drift away southeast. Daytime temperatures recovered in mild but strong southerly winds.

Conditions became much more unsettled towards the end of the month as vigorous areas of low pressure crossed northern areas of the UK. The 26th and the 29th being particularly stormy with gales and a little rain.


A rather dry and notably sunny month which made for some very mild days, especially during the first two weeks, though there was moderate frosts at night which helped to keep the temperature in check. The third week was cold with severe frost at night and below average daytime temperatures, but still with large amounts of sunshine. The last week or so of the month was mild, but more unsettled, with a stormy end.

Stats for February 2008

Mean maximum temperature = 9.0c

Mean minimum temperature = -0.0c

Mean temperature = 4.5c + 0.3c above the 1971-2000 CET average.

Warmest day on the 22nd = 14.0c

Coldest day on the 19th = 0.0c

Warmest night on the 24th = 8.8c

Coldest night on the 18th = -7.6c

Minimum Grass Temperature on the 17th = -11.0 c

Ground Frosts = 22

Air frost = 16

Fog Observed = 1.

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 5

Wettest Day 4th = 6mm

Maximum wind gust on the 29th = 48mph SSW

Days of snow = 1st and 2nd

Days of lying snow = 2

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 0

Rainfall total = 21mm

Rainfall total to date for 2008 = 115mm


  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire
  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire

February 2008 Statistics

Blakenhall, Cheshire

(53.02, -2.41)

Average daily maximum: 8.0º*

Average daily minimum: 0.4º*


Highest daily maximum: 13.3º (22nd)*

Lowest daily maximum: 3.0º (17th)

Days 10º or above: 9*

Highest daily minimum: 5.9º (22nd)*

Lowest daily minimum: -6.2º (18th)

Days 0º or below: 11*

Days With Rain: 9

Maximum Rainfall: 10.4mm (5th)

Total Rainfall: 23.3mm

Maximum Windspeed: 1st*

Highest Relative Pressure: 1043.9mb (16th)

Lowest Relative Pressure: 0984.8mb (-3rd)

* - The inevitable downtime which seems to occur whenever I leave the unit alone at home for a few days took place during the warm phase between February 6-10th, and consequently no data is available for those 5 days, which may have had an effect on all values marked with an asterisk.


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