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Photography competitions


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  • Location: Tiree
  • Location: Tiree

who's looking after this at the moment?

their doesn't seem to be much happening and no chance as yet to vote for july competition

or even June for the matter, which isn't very good

  • Replies 11
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  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

Hardly anyone has bothered to vote in recent comps anyway!

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
hows net weather going to pot?

I blame those strange bushes Paul grows in his attic ... :):) :o ;)

But seriously, perhaps we can think I a way to revamp the photo comp? (and it is a competition Wibs - a competition to get more votes than OON :p ) I know there were suggestions a while back about make it themed but that never seemed to come to anything.

  • Location: Saddleworth, Oldham , 175m asl
  • Weather Preferences: warm and sunny, thunderstorms, frost, fog, snow, windstorms
  • Location: Saddleworth, Oldham , 175m asl

I also think it's a little hidden away, I've only just remembered about the competitions having seen this thread.

  • Location: Truro, Cornwall
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - Heavy Snow Summer - Hot with Night time Thunderstorms
  • Location: Truro, Cornwall

Perhaps it should be displayed about on the New Homepage like give the link to the latest Competition and perhaps the most recent photo. Just a thought.

  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

We are changing the format of the competition to a quarterly one, with general themes within them and will be announcing that soon. We may also introduce other competitions around it, but there are no firm plans for anything on that front at this stage. The idea of the quarterly comps will be to give people more opportunity to go out and take photos specifically for the competitions, or to go through collections for relevant shots, rather than them having to be taken within a certain month etc.

The June and July comps will be merged together, then alongside the august competition will form the first quarterly competition, which can then be voted on during september. The winners of that, plus the other monthly winners this year and at the end of last year will go forward into the calendar.

  • Location: Maidstone, Kent
  • Location: Maidstone, Kent

didnt the competitions choose which photos went in the calendar last year?

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
We are changing the format of the competition to a quarterly one, with general themes within them and will be announcing that soon. We may also introduce other competitions around it, but there are no firm plans for anything on that front at this stage. The idea of the quarterly comps will be to give people more opportunity to go out and take photos specifically for the competitions, or to go through collections for relevant shots, rather than them having to be taken within a certain month etc.

The June and July comps will be merged together, then alongside the august competition will form the first quarterly competition, which can then be voted on during september. The winners of that, plus the other monthly winners this year and at the end of last year will go forward into the calendar.

I like the idea of that, so it'll be kind of like a seasonal weather competition (June, July, August then September, October November)? Think that sounds good. :)

  • Location: Welwyn Herts 115m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Surprises
  • Location: Welwyn Herts 115m ASL
We are changing the format of the competition to a quarterly one, with general themes within them and will be announcing that soon. We may also introduce other competitions around it, but there are no firm plans for anything on that front at this stage. The idea of the quarterly comps will be to give people more opportunity to go out and take photos specifically for the competitions, or to go through collections for relevant shots, rather than them having to be taken within a certain month etc.

The June and July comps will be merged together, then alongside the august competition will form the first quarterly competition, which can then be voted on during september. The winners of that, plus the other monthly winners this year and at the end of last year will go forward into the calendar.

bump bump (-:

Tried to find out if there was a place to put some weather pics up here and this is all I can find to show a few snaps I took yesterday - 12th Aug.

Can't remember the name of the cloud formation but was sure it meant some heavy rain was imminent.. Armed with psychic camera I took a shot of Easy-Jet taking off just under scary clouds. Sure enought the heavens opened 20 mins later so I lay on the floor just inside the entrance of our home and took some shots of the rain hitting the driveway. Alas no lightning )-: yet (-:



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