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Michael Crichton - Rip

Chris Knight

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  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
  • Location: Worthing West Sussex

Anybody heard of Michael Crichton? If you have seen Jurassic Park, ER, Coma, Westworld, you have witnesssed his creations.

He died on November 4 2008, aged 66, of cancer.

He studied anthropology, and had a great interest in the power of science, and how humanity lets it's arrogance get in the way of reason.

His 2004 novel, "State of Fear" tackles climate change politics and activism as an adventure novel.

It is well researched, with references to real peer-reviewed publications, a good read, and available at a public library near you.

If you rationalise that the internet is also a public library, you can also find Michael Crichton's "State of Fear" as a torrent download, of only a few megabytes.

There are no fines though, unless the internet police get you.

If you have or do read it, why not comment on this topic?

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