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Around Malham Tarn 19/01/2009


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  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL

Here are a few photo's i have taken today of the snow around Malham Tarn.

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The Snow line was around 300m

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  • Location: West Bromwich (West Mids) 170m ASL
  • Location: West Bromwich (West Mids) 170m ASL

I love the cloudscapes of pics 6 and 7 and i love the last pic because it looks so natural and untouched. Nice set of pics!

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  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL

Sorry i have put the wrong date in the title these were actually taken today 20/01/2009.



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  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m
  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m

It's amazing how up much snow there isn't up there really, around Huddersfield we have had a fair bit more(the Pennines side of Hudds) even to lower levels.

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  • Location: Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire 16m asl
  • Location: Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire 16m asl

Lovely photos taken in a very beautiful part of the country. I am quite suprised with the depth of snow, the weather forcasts on the bbc didn't seem to show that much. Could I have some of the white stuff please, are you selling it on ebay? :D

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  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
It's amazing how up much snow there isn't up there really, around Huddersfield we have had a fair bit more(the Pennines side of Hudds) even to lower levels.

True the amount of snow is quite a bit less than other areas to our south but still very nice all the same.This is probably to do with us being nearer the sea,which seems to make a difference in marginal situations.

We cant complain as we had our fair share in december 2008 though.


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  • Location: Buxton, Derbyshire 1148ft asl prev County Down, NI
  • Weather Preferences: Winter
  • Location: Buxton, Derbyshire 1148ft asl prev County Down, NI

Nice photos Chrissy - some good drifts there - bit like over here the snow level was approx 500 - 600ft.

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  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)

Super photos Chrissy, looks like a fair bit of snow to me although of course the Malham Moors are a bit lower in altitude - however, the limestone country around Malham is the finest in the world, without doubt.

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  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
  • Location: Settle Area, Yorkshire Dales. 146m ASL
Super photos Chrissy, looks like a fair bit of snow to me although of course the Malham Moors are a bit lower in altitude - however, the limestone country around Malham is the finest in the world, without doubt.

This picture below show's Ingleborough in the far distance, where Yeti had his little adventure yesterday.


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