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British Extratropical Cyclone Organisation

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From the Practice of British Meteorology as an Experimental Service.

BECO are a volunteer run organisation who collate several types of data from 3rd party sites and formulate a detailed report and record of any high energised low pressures ( or depressions ) that skirt or hit over the British Isles.

Unlike most meteorological services BECO only focus in one area of our weather, Atlantic Depressions or Wind Storms. These storms are generated out in the Atlantic over this ocean collecting energy and mass. As the pressure falls lower to the sea they move towards the UK and surrounding countries making land fall bringing high winds, swells of ocean waves, thunderstorms with hail and possible tornado activity.

Mostly any depression will weaken or skirt the British Isles and it is very rare we endure the energy of a major storm system. Wikapedia provide a good page of information in relation the Extratropical Cyclones.

BECO's title represents the name given to these weather events that we are subjected to at the British Isles position in the Northern Hemisphere. We are not tropical nor polar but placed in the middle called the Mid-latitude region. Extratropical systems are connected in this area with fronts and horizontal gradients in temperature and dew point otherwise known as "baroclinic zones". Extratropical cyclones are weather events that drive the weather over the European countries, producing cloudy conditions and showers to torrential rain and strong gales or Wind Storms.

BECO are an open organisation that welcomes the input from the British public in helping BECO survey this type of weather that brings strong to violent conditions to our shores. The public can use our ready regional data forms in these events and submit them online via the available links. BECO will analyse any data and add this to our BECO yearly file and data system based in Blackpool. BECO also monitor and record live weather data from the station based near the North West Coast and have access to several similar systems dotted around the UK.

Official website : www.pobm.org.uk

So, lets use this topic area for any UK Cyclone infomation written by you, BECO and any other NetWeather members. Enjoy. good.gif

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