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  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to March 28th

The current 5 day mean is on 14,421,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 14,351,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -907,130km2, a decrease from -1,059,260km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -239,070km2, a decrease from -422,270km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, down from lowest on record last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was +11.4k/day, compared to the long term average of -10.3k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -14.7k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -22.9k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -7.3k/day.
The change so far this March is the 11th least negative on record. To achieve the largest recorded monthly increase, a daily gain of over +155.5k/day is required, while the largest loss requires a loss of at least 232.7k/day and an average requires a loss of 53.7k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to April 4th


The current 5 day mean is on 14,259,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 14,156,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -908,920km2, an increase from -907,130km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -349,600km2, an increase from -239,070km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, the same as last week.


The average daily change over the last 7 days was -23.1k/day, compared to the long term average of -22.9k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -7.3k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -35.2k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -33.6k/day.
Qe8pPul.png JTx3QTW.png
The loss so far this April is the 18th largest on record. To achieve the largest recorded monthly loss, at least -61.4k/day is required, while the smallest loss requires less than -23.2k/day and an average requires a loss of -39.9k/day.
The change this March was the 12th least negative on record, while the average monthly extent was the lowest on record.
b7tzdse.png uCfPu6k.png
  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to April 12th


The current 5 day mean is on 14,062,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 14,158,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -859,810km2, a decrease from -908,920km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -311,870km2, a decrease from -349,600km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -28.7k/day, compared to the long term average of -35.2k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -33.6k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -40.0k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -24.5k/day.
The change so far this April was the 19th least negative on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop a daily loss of at least -48.3k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 14.0k/day and an average drop requires 29.0k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to April 18th


The current 5 day mean is on 14,019,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 13,972,000km2.

The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -623,070km2, a decrease from -859,810km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -183,400km2, a decrease from -311,870km2 last week. We're currently 5th lowest on record, down from 3rd lowest last week.




The average daily change over the last 7 days was -6.3k/day, compared to the long term average of -40.0k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -24.5k/day.

The average long term change over the next week is -36.3k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -27.4k/day.




The loss so far this April was the 4th smallest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 113.1k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 30.3k/day and an average drop requires 66.5k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to April 25th


The current 5 day mean is on 13,875,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 13,695,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -512,730km2, a decrease from -623,070km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -135,400km2, a decrease from -183,400km2 last week. We're currently 6th lowest on record, down from 5th lowest last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -20.5k/day, compared to the long term average of -36.3k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -27.4k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -54.8k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -60.6k/day.




The loss so far this April is the 2nd smallest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 242.6k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 44.0k/day and an average drop requires 130.9k/day.



  • Like 1
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to May 3rd


The current 5 day mean is on 13,317,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 13,111,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -687,360km2, an increase from -512,730km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -269,070km2, an increase from -135,400km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, down from 6th lowest last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -79.7k/day, compared to the long term average of -54.8k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -60.6k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -50.7k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -49.4k/day.
The loss so far this May is the 4th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 67.0k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 20.3k/day and an average drop requires 43.5k/day.
The change this April was the 8th smallest on record, while the average monthly extent was the 3rd lowest on record.


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  • Like 6
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to May 10th


The current 5 day mean is on 12,927,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 12,805,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -722,150km2, an increase from -687,360km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -313,270km2, an increase from -269,070km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -55.7k/day, compared to the long term average of -50.7k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -49.4k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -42.8k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -47.0k/day.




The loss so far this May is the 11th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 70.6k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 9.0k/day and an average drop requires 39.6k/day.



  • Like 5
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to May 17th


The current 5 day mean is on 12,632,800km2 while the 1 day extent is at 12,531,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -717,100km2, a decrease from -722,150km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -278,530km2, a decrease from -313,270km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -42.1k/day, compared to the long term average of -42.8k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -47.0k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -46.5k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -42.8k/day.
The loss so far this May is the 14th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 83.9k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires less than 6.4k/day and an average drop requires 38.5k/day.



  • Like 2
  • Location: swansea craig cefn parc 160 m asl
  • Location: swansea craig cefn parc 160 m asl
Posted (edited)

A slight refreeze in Arctic region

Region 59 days ago End Last 58 Last 28 Last 14 Last 7 Last 3 Last 1 Greenland Sea 633,474 647,406 13,932 13,001 37,857 53,989 31,691 -13,256 Hudson Bay 1,260,903 1,160,568 -100,335 -100,335 -76,549 -47,544 -15,385 -1,993 Sea of Okhotsk 551,895 185,756 -366,139 -350,332 -132,502 -9,640 5,637 -727 Chukchi Sea 966,006 928,975 -37,031 -37,031 -37,031 -35,375 -1,070 0 East Siberian Sea 1,087,137 1,087,137 0 0 480 0 0 0 Laptev Sea 897,845 897,845 0 5,348 0 0 0 0 Kara Sea 935,023 915,110 -19,912 -1,756 -5,584 11,926 15,437 0 Barents Sea 596,771 406,237 -190,534 26,189 -36,561 73,221 68,530 0 Central Arctic 3,247,614 3,238,792 -8,822 7,451 -4,387 4,570 1,524 0 Bering Sea 667,281 149,931 -517,350 -512,453 -220,867 -80,209 -3,715 0 Baltic Sea 9,702 0 -9,702 -9,388 -4,407 -66 -66 0 Yellow Sea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Canadian Archipelago 853,214 847,114 -6,100 -6,100 -6,100 14,387 13,214 12,519 Baffin Bay Gulf of St. Lawrence 1,754,107 1,214,794 -539,313 -351,403 -131,898 15,852 13,695 15,216 Beaufort Sea 1,070,445 1,025,061 -45,384 -45,384 -45,384 -10,254 -8,367 17,719                   Northern Hemisphere (Total) 14,534,052 12,706,238 -1,827,814 -1,362,621 -663,360 -9,079 121,205 29,477                   NH (Average Loss per Day)     -30,980 -48,665 -47,383 -1,297 40,402 29,477                                   masie-northern_hemisphere-freeze-melt-as

Edited by keithlucky
  • Like 1
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to May 23rd


The current 5 day mean is on 12,274,800km2 while the 1 day extent is at 12,152,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -750,430km2, an increase from -717,100km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -337,470km2, an increase from -278,530km2 last week. We're currently lowest on record, up from 3rd lowest last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -51.3k/day, compared to the long term average of -46.5k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -42.8k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -39.9k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -46.7k/day.




The loss so far this May is the 13th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 112.5k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase more than 56.8k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 27.3k/day.



  • Like 2
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to May 30th


The current 5 day mean is on 11,844,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 11,758,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -927,650km2, an increase from -750,430km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -440,200km2, an increase from -337,470km2 last week. We're currently lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -61.4k/day, compared to the long term average of -39.9k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -46.7k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -60.1k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -65.3k/day.




The loss so far this May is the 8th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 469.8k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase more than 830.4k/day and an average drop requires an increase of 205.8k/day.



  • Like 5
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to June 6th


The current 5 day mean is on 11,425,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 11,335,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -920,660km2, a decrease from -927,650km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -402,070km2, a decrease from -440,200km2 last week. We're currently lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -59.9k/day, compared to the long term average of -60.1k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -65.3k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -44.3k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -82.5k/day.
The loss so far this June is the 15th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 105.2k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 29.0k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 54.1k/day.
The loss in May was the 9th largest on record, while the average monthly extent was the lowest on record.
ve7lhfW.png KGNNzAB.png


  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to June 13th


The current 5 day mean is on 11,175,800km2 while the 1 day extent is at 11,076,000km2.

The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -859,890km2, a decrease from -920,660km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at -73,930km2, a decrease from -402,070km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, down from lowest last week




The average daily change over the last 7 days was -35.6k/day, compared to the long term average of -44.3k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -82.5k/day.

The average long term change over the next week is -52.6k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -81.2k/day.




The loss so far this June is the 18th smallest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 133.8k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 26.2k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 61.7k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to June 20th


The current 5 day mean is on 10,780,600km2 while the 1 day extent is at 10,693,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -887,150km2, an increase from -859,890km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +98,467km2, an increase from -73,930km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -56.5k/day, compared to the long term average of -52.6k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -81.2k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -60.5k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -81.1k/day.
The loss so far this June is the 18th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 187.9k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 5.1k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 65.4k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to June 28th


The current 5 day mean is on 10,413,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 10,280,000km2.

The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -831,290km2, a decrease from -887,150km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +299,000km2, an increase from +98,467km2 last week. We're currently 7th lowest on record, down from 4th last week.




The average daily change over the last 7 days was -52.5k/day, compared to the long term average of -60.5k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -81.1k/day.

The average long term change over the next week is -85.2k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -124.6k/day.




The loss so far this June is the 18th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 503.9k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase of at least than 105.6k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 95.5k/day.



  • Like 2
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to July 4th


The current 5 day mean is on 9,860,000km2 while the 1 day extent is at 9,726,000km2.

The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -788,180km2, a decrease from -831,290km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +618,200km2, an increase from +299,000km2 last week. We're currently 8th lowest on record, down from 7th last week.





The average daily change over the last 7 days was -79.0k/day, compared to the long term average of -85.2k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -124.6k/day.

The average long term change over the next week is -80.5k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -115.8k/day.




The loss so far this July is the 8th smallest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 121.2k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 65.4k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 89.7k/day.




The loss in June was the 18th smallest on record, while the average extent was the 4th smallest on record.


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  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to July 12th


The current 5 day mean is on 9,230,800km2 while the 1 day extent is at 9,013,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -854,100km2, an increase from -788,180km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +799,267km2, an increase from +618,200km2 last week. We're currently 9th lowest on record, down from 8th last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -89.9k/day, compared to the long term average of -80.5k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -115.8k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -85.9k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -107.9k/day.
The loss so far this July is the 15th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 128.3k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 53.0k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 85.8k/day.



  • Like 4
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to July 18th


The current 5 day mean is on 8,431,000km2 while the 1 day extent is at 8,120,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,052,840km2, an increase from -854,100km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +754,867km2, a decrease from +799,267km2 last week. We're currently 7th lowest on record, up from 9th last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -114.3k/day, compared to the long term average of -85.9k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -107.9k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -89.0k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -80.2k/day.




The loss so far this July is the 11th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 135.8k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of less than 20.0k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 70.4k/day.



  • Like 3
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
Update for the week to July 25th
The current 5 day mean is on 7,553,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 7,320,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,306,980km2, an increase from -1,052,840km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +438,553km2, a decrease from +754,867km2 last week. We're currently 6th lowest on record, up from 7th last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -125.5k/day, compared to the long term average of -89.0k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -80.2k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -85.1k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -76.7k/day.



The loss so far this July is the 5th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 148.1k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase of at least 102.9k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 6.4k/day.



  • Like 2
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
Update for the week to August 1st
The current 5 day mean is on 6,943,200km2 while the 1 day extent is at 6,712,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,321,970km2, an increase from -1,306,980km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +365,200km2, a decrease from +438,553km2 last week. We're currently 5th lowest on record, up from 6th last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -87.2k/day, compared to the long term average of -85.1k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -76.7k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -74.7k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -92.6k/day.
The loss so far this August is the 6th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 89.0k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of no more than 37.8k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 55.7k/day.




The extent loss this July was the 4th largest on record, while the average extent was the 7th smallest on record.


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  • Like 7
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
Update for the week to August 8th
The current 5 day mean is on 6,383,400km2 while the 1 day extent is at 6,238,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,359,140km2, an increase from -1,321,970km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +453,267km2, an increase from +365,200km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, up from 5th last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -79.9k/day, compared to the long term average of -74.7k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -96.2k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -62.7k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -87.7k/day.




The loss so far this August is the 12th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 91.8k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of no more than 25.2k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 48.3k/day.



  • Like 3
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
Update for the week to August 15th
The current 5 day mean is on 5,842,220km2 while the 1 day extent is at 5,706,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,461,340km2, an increase from -1,359,140km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +525,733km2, an increase from +453,267km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -77.3k/day, compared to the long term average of -62.7k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -87.7k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -51.3k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -68.3k/day.




The loss so far this August is the 7th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 98.2k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires a loss of no more than 2.3k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 35.6k/day.



  • Like 4
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
Update for the week to August 22nd
The current 5 day mean is on 5,381,600km2 while the 1 day extent is at 5,215,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,562,860km2, an increase from -1,461,340km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +543,067km2, an increase from +525,733km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -65.8k/day, compared to the long term average of -51.3k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -68.3k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -42.0k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -53.9k/day.




The loss so far this August is the 9th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 123.2k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase of more than 47.0k/day and an average drop requires a loss of 12.2k/day.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to August 29th

The current 5 day mean is on 4,889,600km2 while the 1 day extent is at 4,687,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,760,580km2, an increase from -1,562,860km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +428,000km2, a decrease from +543,067km2 last week. We're currently 4th lowest on record, the same as last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -70.4k/day, compared to the long term average of -42.0k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -53.9k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -36.8k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -42.6k/day.
The loss so far this August is the 5th largest on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 308.6k/day is required, while the smallest drop requires an increase of more than 457.5k/day and an average drop requires an increase of 191.1k/day.



  • Like 1
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, Snow, Windstorms and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Ireland, probably South Tipperary

Update for the week to September 5th

The current 5 day mean is on 4,483,600km2 while the 1 day extent is at 4,464,000km2.
The daily anomaly (compared to 81-10) is at -1,908,690km2, an increase from -1,760,580km2 last week. The anomaly compared to the 07, 11 and 12 average is at +319,867km2, a decrease from +428,000km2 last week. We're currently 3rd lowest on record,  up from 4th lowest last week.
The average daily change over the last 7 days was -58.k/day, compared to the long term average of -36.8k/day, and the 07, 11 and 12 average of -42.6k/day.
The average long term change over the next week is -16.1k/day, with the 07, 11, and 12 average being -20.6k/day.
The change so far this September is the 8th most negative on record. To achieve the largest monthly drop, a daily loss of at least 5.2k/day is required, while the largest monthly growth requires an increase of at least 37.9k/day and an average change requires an increase of 14.9k/day.
The extent loss in August was the 3rd largest on record, while the average extent was the 4th smallest on record


tk09yU5.png pnShINN.png

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