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  • Location: Kilmersdon Radstock Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: None Really but a snow lover deep down
  • Location: Kilmersdon Radstock Somerset


LOWEST TEMPERATURE -2.8C(27F) on the 24th Nov at 06:56 HIGHEST TEMPERATURE 23.7C (74F) on the 18th Sep at 16:41 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 11.5C (53F) HIGHEST HUMIDITY 98% on 16th Oct at 00:28 LOWEST HUMIDITY 48% on the 9th Sep at 14:19 WETTEST DAY 19.2mm (0.76inc) on the 18th Sep HIGHEST RAINFALL RATE 150.0mm/hr (6.00inc/hr) on the 18th Sep at 22:30 TOTAL RAINFALL 193.0mm (7.72inc) DRY DAYS 42 Days LONGEST DRY SPELL 16 Days from 2nd-17th Sep HIGHEST PRESSURE 1029.8mbs on the 2nd Oct at 08:51 LOWEST PRESSURE 987.2mbs on the 7th Nov at 04:39 AVERAGE PRESSURE 1012.4mbs PRESSURE RANGE 42.6mbs HIGHEST WIND GUST 36mph on the 21st Oct at 10:30 WIND BETWEEN S & W 34% WIND BETWEEN W & N


WIND BETWEEN N & E 12% WIND BETWEEN E & S 33% SUNNIEST DAY 10 hrs and 48 mins on 9th Sep TOTAL SUNSHINE HOURS 222 hrs and 54 mins DAYS OF NO SUN 20 Days BRIGHTEST DAY 180.4w/sqm on 2nd Sep DULLEST DAY 7.7w/sqm on 20th Nov DAYS WITH THUNDER 3 Days on 18th Sep, 16th Oct & 14th Nov DAYS WITH HAIL NONE   HOURS WITH FROST 31 Hrs & 36 Mins HOURS WITH FOG VISIBLE 67 Hours & 30 Mins DAYS WITH SNOW NONE

After a quiet September with below average rainfall October gave more in the way of rain but there was nothing exceptional. Temperatures remained above average for much of the time and there were a couple of very warm early September days. The Autumn fog season got under way but cleared quickly in the strong morning sunshine on the days it occurred. A notable thunderstorm occurred here on the 18th September under spanish plume conditions and gave rise to some damage from lightning strikes and surface flooding issues. October saw a step upwards in the strength of the wind after Septembers calm conditions with the remains of hurricane Gonzalo making appearance to our shores on the 21st. However, overall September and October proved very acceptable months overall and despite the lack of dry days in October rainfall amounts were suppressed by the warm SW flow and High pressure to the South. In November the benign season continued with no more than average rainfall and sunshine amounts and temperatures generally above average with some warm days at times. So all in all apart from a briefly stormy period in October the period of warmer than average seasons continue and with much less rainfall than last year at this time and only a slow drop in temperature as we approach Winter there was or is nothing alarming to report in conditions currently.

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  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

Autumn 2014 Lampeter, Ceredigion


Very mild and rather dry


Had September seen average rainfall then the season would have been on the wet side instead of dry. Consistent mildness throughout with only brief cool spells. October (8.2c) had higher mean minima than September (7.8c).


Total rainfall 342.1mm (394mm) = rather dry 87%

Wettest day 31.9mm 16 Oct

Rain days 49

Wet Days 39

Days over 10mm 13


Mean temp 11.0c

Mean max 15.4c

Mean min 6.6c


Hi max 24.4c 18th Sept

Low max 5.8c 25th Oct

Hi min 15.9c 24th Sept

Low min -5.2c 25th Oct

  • Location: Aberdeen
  • Location: Aberdeen

Atrocious season with no redeeming features whatsoever. Relentlessly dull and gloomy with an unbelievable lack of fine days. 


Just dire with almost unceasing wind from either S or SE making it the dullest Autumn locally since 1968 with less sunshine than the winters of 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2011/12.


As has been the case throughout the year low diurnal ranges and an extreme lack of temperature variation were evident. No high temperatures worthy of comment and only one pathetic frost of -0.1C on the 10th November. Countless nights where minima were as mild as the long term average maxima.


Mean Max: 12.97C (+0.97C)

Mean Min: 8.03C (+2.03C)


Rainfall: 280.2mm (126%)

Rain days: 52

Wet days: 43


Sunshine: 224.2 hours (73%)

Sunless days: 25


Rating: 0/10

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  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Autumn quiet and mostly uneventful September was very dry 14.4mm the driest since 1986. October was above average while November was very well with 105mm being recorded.  So rainfall wise no records broken. October provided a little interest when ex-hurricane Gonzola visited the UK producing the max gust of 54 mph and the highest gust of the autumn. Another mild month without even a ground frost. November did a least produce some half hearted ground frosts and plenty of rain. Despite being wet it wasn't a stormy month in fact was quiet and very uneventful.


Autumn came in at 11.2C compared to the 1981 to 2010 average of 10.2C Rainfall 207.4mm compared to 227.6mm so below average overall.

  • Location: Shrewsbury
  • Location: Shrewsbury

Certainly the most boring season of the last 10 years, possibly a lot longer. Only 4 air frosts and no snow or thunder. All three months somewhat duller than average, but none record breakingly so. The most damning statistic was that no day had 7 hours or more of sun after September 11.

All three months warmer than average, but the highest maxima of 23, 18 and 15C all well short of the records, October's by 10C.

September dry but often disappointingly cloudy, October wet but no big daily total, November a bit drier than normal but a higher than normal number of rain days, showing how much drizzly muck it had.

Good riddance!

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