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The Christmas snowstorms of 1906, with emphasis on the Scottish Highlands


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  • Location: Camborne
  • Location: Camborne

Part 1

“Suddenly, however, hurricane came speeding along from the north-west, and swept with blizzard-like fury over the entire country.

In the Ross-shire Highlands, its severity was unexampled by any storm of recent times.”

Ross-shire Journal, Dingwall, Easter Ross, 28 December 1906


Part 2


Edited by knocker
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  • Location: N.E. Scotland South Side Moray Firth 100m asl
  • Location: N.E. Scotland South Side Moray Firth 100m asl

Real blizzards of this intensity hardly ever happen these days not even in 2010 when snow mostly  fell in calm conditions.The last really severe storm I remember up here was just before Christmas 1973 which I missed  experiencing, being down on a large farm near Perth doing my college practical experience. As I came home from Inverness by car for Christmas some of the side roads had eight feet walls of snow left by a snowblower and all you could see was the blue sky above.It was possible too to  jump out of the second floor windows of the farm house onto drifts up to twelve feet deep.

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