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Posts posted by CaptainHappy

  1. Busying up in here now lol! Our little thread is one of the smallest, never mind come the summer when we're enjoying watching thunderstorms over the sea we'll be busier!

    I saw snow forecast for us on south today although she kept going on about Dorset even though we had some 'heavier' graphics over Hampshire too!

    ah dorset suits me just fine. i still stand by 'ill believe it when i see it though'. i cant wait to be put right tomorrow (possibly):unsure:

    and quite right. it will be busy enough in here in the summer. tbh i cant wait for it. currently taking orders for the first spanish plume as we speak...lol

  2. i have seen mixed charts with regards to the precip type for tues and weds. some say snow, some rain and others say nothing at all as they suggest it wont make it this far.

    it really is a pickle which the models seem to be having real trouble coping with, having at least tried to follow those topics.

    still a very slight thaw here, but nothing too drastic. still very icy roads and snizzle all round

  3. Hi all.....this is interesting stuff...now excuse my ignorance what do you mean by a squeeze? i.e. what is it made of and what is the effect. I kinda think I know from what you all been saying but dont want to go off on the wrong track...

    now i am far from clued up, however my view is that the winds are causing a (potential) area of minor development south of the iow in the channel which is the border between the differing winds.

    playing the image loop on


    might give you a better idea.

    this is just my view and opinion and i do not proclaim to know anything. just going on observations

  4. morning folks. had continuous snizzle here for some time now, with temps at 0.5 c . i can see there being sustained snizzle showers throughout today. i agree with coxxy. it appears there is a queeze developing right over us. wonder if it will produce anything of note. also agree with the changes to the sw with regards to direction. time to keep those eyes peeled on meto sat and radar

  5. Funnily enough I was thinking about the south east while in the shower (like you do lol!!!) I heard it was snowing in Eastbourne (but it was also snowing yesterday and didn't reach this far) but Brighton seems tantalisingly close (about 50 miles west from me)!! Depends what it decides to do, fizzle out or decides it fancies a trip in a different direction lol!! Still interesting though...... Amazing if it reached us!

    the shower? that is unusual lol. i officially make you the first person with weather ocd lol

  6. quite right iowsnowgal. we have been starved for so long down here, and now we have had a taste we want more. i see there is potential hype about tuesday and wednesday, but at this stage optomism is low. granted the meto are doing what is right in their eyes by issuing the warnings as it is their duty, but i feel its still too far ahead to call anything yet. snow beginning to melt away fairly rapidly here, but we do have some conciliatory snowflakes blowing along every now and then. im sure i saw one settle too!

  7. i see all sever weather warnings for the uk for the next few days have been revoked by the meto and merely replaced by advisories. once again i think its a suck it and see scenario and we will find out in due time exactly where the low goes on tuesday and wednesday. with any luck it wont make it all that far over the uk, so we get to keep the cold easterly flow over us. i can imagine that the meto are a bit reluctant to do too much about this at this time as recent evernts have not gone quite accoding to plan for them

  8. i dont know if everyone has a thermometer but i just check my normal type 1 and it says its -1 thats got to be wrong sure its pretty rapid thaw at this rate i be posting green pics by the end of the day.

    green? whats that? its been so long it will seem wierd to see it lol

    looking at the sat pics it seems that the developmens in the low countries are whats in store for the folks further north. will just have to wait and see if a reload is on the cards. it seems anything is possible this year!

  9. having just stuck my head in the other threads etc, its seems that our saving grace COULD be a development moving east from the low countries, however the extent of any precip and development of this is still being highly debated. one to watch, but it seems that this was indeed a complex situation to predict and not everyone got it right. Fair play to the meto for attempting to get this forcats, because simply, they have no choice. they are unable to sit back and say 'no forcasts for today as we dont know'. they have to say something. it seems that maybe this little cold snap is broken for now, but time will tell

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