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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Wind picking up here, pressure also dropped from 995hpa to 993hpa. Looking forward to trying out my 'storm' umbrella tomorrow it is supposed to withstand winds of up to 70mph! we shall see
  2. Pressure dropping here, from 995hpa at 3pm to 993 at 7pm, currently 6.7c and dry
  3. A chilly 4.7c here, dry but the sky looks black and just seen a rainbow
  4. Mornin all, wind picked up through the night currently 6.2c. and dry. Yesterday morning barometer was 1008mb, last night at 11.30pm it was reading 965mb now its 971mb. Just seen BBC weather predicting 90mph gusts for very north of Scotland.
  5. Did you go to Asda? it was gridlocked at 8am yesterday from the retail park down to the motorway, mayhem! It does feel icy out there, couldn't find my slippers when I got up and my feet where freezing. Hope we don't get too much disruption I have to get the train today at the peak time of the storm for this area
  6. Very still here, currently 5.7c, feels colder than that
  7. In anticipation of the impending windy weather I have battened down my hatches.................well I've invented a sort of 'brace' for my troublesome gates, a good heavy plank of wood through two brackets which are attached to each gate??... fingers crossed it works. I am ready!!
  8. Not sure if the winds have died down a bit? Just been out and tied washing line to my gates and round next doors fence posts, to try and hold them while I nip out to B&Q
  9. ..................got half a shed roof in my front garden, hope it's not mine!!
  10. Any idea what time the wind is supposed to ease off, need to go out to get bolts and heavy duty fastenings for my big gates but can't as I have had to use my car to wedge them shut., so stuck in for now. Would have gone to Crosby beach otherwise!
  11. The wind has blown open my big side gates and bashed the front of my car, had a right struggle trying to push them both back,......... heavy duty fastenings needed asap!
  12. Same here, winds woke me about 6 ish and have increased a lot since then. Just let my dog out the back and nearly lost the door. No walkies until later
  13. OMG it's not over my house is it? My temper is very frayed, has been know to cause sferics in the locality grrrrrrrrrrr
  14. Just come home, heard on car radio traffic reports, trees down in various parts of country, Sheppey bridge closed (not sure where that is?) Certainly very windy here and that's before any 'storm' comes. Turned on my computer to see headline David Cameron is attending emergency meeting re pending hurricane force storm, have I missed something
  15. BBC forecast now downgraded as in they not saying hurricane force winds but 80mph winds and very heavy rain, not as severe as 1987
  16. It's not the 'megastorm' as in certain media but it is a severe autumn storm and like they where saying all along yesterday 'possible' is the key word
  17. The BBC forecast and news are still going for it, wasn't quite awake for the forecast but it showed 80mph gusts for the South and Wales and some heavy rain extending up to my area
  18. Oh my goodness this is horrendous, how they are going to stop such devastation.
  19. A good explanation they could do with sending it to the Daily Star, Express or Mail, and stop all the sensational headlines
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