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Kentish Snowgirl

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Everything posted by Kentish Snowgirl

  1. I have camera and tried, but failed miserably to get any pics, sorry. All quiet here...for now!
  2. Has continued to rumble with thunder although rain stopped. Gone very dark again, storms now more intense with lots of lightning and thunder, heavy rain now falling. Lights keep flickering and keep losing my broadband connection
  3. I'm in Canterbury, currently in middle of thunderstorm, so dark out there that lightning really bright, heavy rain. Doesn't sound that close yet!! House lights have flickered a couple of times. Also heard the distant rumbles between 6.30 and 7.00 this morning. I'm home alone and HATE thunderstorms, ES will be missing this at work and he loves them! Edit: Having just posted this huge fork of lightning with instant thunder, lost my broadband connection at same time.
  4. Had couple of rumbles of thunder mid morning, then rain and hail, then the biggest bang ever just after 2pm which caused most of the office to jump out of their skins. A colleague said sounded like a bomb going off, which she has experienced.
  5. Have had a couple of sleet showers in Dover this morning.
  6. Woke to heavy fog in Canterbury, was clear in Dover, however set in for a while mid morning. Now really lovely sunny day.
  7. At work in Dover snowed heavily for three hours, which settled. Now stopped and temperature now rising, slight thaw.
  8. Had further snow showers this afternoon in Dover, some fairly heavy.
  9. 4 Heavy snow showers this morning, providing whiteout, blizzard like conditions. Settled on existing snow. Sun and blue skies now!
  10. Has not stopped snowing in Dover for last three hours after some earlier rain. a good 3 inches out there.
  11. Woke to rain and sleet, now heavy snow falling and settling.
  12. QUOTE(crazysnowcatz4 @ 28 Feb 2005, 08:02 AM) 8.02 15cm of snow at least in Canterbury and -2.4C Ditto! Complete and utter surprise to wake up to the snow this morning. As Essex Snow said "Quite simply un-believeable" At work in Dover had snow falling for most of the morning. Dover itself only had a covering last night, which settled nicely on top of the remaining snow from last week.
  13. At work in Dover today had heavy snow until after lunch, just didn't stop, adding another 2 inches to the overnight 2-3 inches. Unbelievable as had none here in Canterbury apart from a dusting overnight.
  14. According to the oracle that is Essex Snow it was more like 2-3 inches this morning. Had heavy snow for most of morning at work in Dover. Had further showers this afternoon. Heavy snow falling on A2 on way home.
  15. Had about 3cms of snow overnght, had fallen by 2am when looked out of window.
  16. 7.45am on approach to Dover had first snow shower of the day, Unfortunately for most of day stuck in building with little opportunity to window watch, but saw at least 4 snow showers of various flakes/pellets. Mid afternoon was heaviest of showers leaving a decent covering, and a picturesque scene. Snow in patches on way home just before 6 along A2 towards Canterbury. This evening had around 4 showers, with some snow beginning to settle on roads, should be interesting in the morning with icy patches.
  17. Had a couple of flurries of snow grains in Dover this morning, roof was white for a bit.
  18. At work in Dover so far today we have had 4 snow showers. The snow capital of Kent hasn't let me down!
  19. 4.4ºC, scattered clouds, gusty wind from North West.
  20. Bit of a secondhand report via mother, but 2 minute sleet shower back at home in Canterbury mid morning.
  21. Had the lightest of snow showers at lunch time today in Dover. there was a fair amount of snow on the ground this morning from all of last nights snow. Some of the main roads hadn't been gritted causing problems, saw a policeman flagging a gritter down.
  22. had 5 or 6 snow showers at work in Dover today from 10am onwards, of varying intensity. The last at 3.45 was very heavy and provided a bit of a white out, settled on grass, cars etc, roads were too wet, paths were slippery though.
  23. Now had 3 snow showers here in Dover, the last was preceeded by heavy hail, all looked very white for a bit, sun has been out for a bit now, so disappearing, but some grey clouds looming
  24. Had about 2 minutes of proper snowflakes followed by 5 minutes of sleet/rain at 3pm while at work in Dover :lol:
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