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Everything posted by BlueHedgehog074

  1. Mostly general cloud up North on the way back home down South from Edinburgh, but hopefully some thundery fun for some, especially those of you over to the East and South (particularly with one or 2 current reports of thunder and torrential rain).
  2. I could have also imagined a prolonged spell of fiery temperatures during July had this setup occurred around then. Would have got a little hot for my liking, though, but something I would have likely chosen over the chilly, wet, conditions that dominated most of July. Especially also if you could have guaranteed it came with less humidity. That part I think is the most challenging. Plus, the heat last year did get a little much sometimes, as interesting as it was to also experience. As it is, the overall bright and at times (despite not constantly) sunny conditions this spell continues to bring has been nice in that it’s made it feel as though Summer wants to hold on. The sunshine has kinda been like medicine for my depression and lonely-like feelings, and good for some, mostly shady, walks. Lower humidity and slightly lower temperatures nevertheless would have made it feel more comfortable, particularly at night to make sleeping somewhat more effortless.
  3. Quite a nice summary Crewe (and to anyone else that’s done summaries this mornings). Just noticed you’ve changed your username, he hee! Not much to add, so will just do a little overview of… the NAVGEM! A few very warm and balmy days to come for most with the High Pressure over the UK and to the East in control picking up the hot air from the South Pressure does gradually lower over the UK from the North-West and with that warm and hot air in place over the UK (at least mostly away from the fairly far North), I suspect like with the other operational runs, showers and storms will gang up over a number parts of the UK, most particularly Sunday as a disturbance shifts East over the UK, probably leading to something more organised. Flow then looks to turn to the North-West/North into next week following from the weekend, which should bring down cooler air, especially over North-Western areas, with any remaining storms, rain and showers becoming fewer as a nose of High Pressure tries to nudge in from the West. Temperatures below throughout the next few days or so on the NAVGEM to illustrate the transformation of the boiling conditions of this week, to the cooler weather of next week. While still not as warm/hot as this week, Southern and South-Eastern areas trying to cling on to some warm(ish) conditions. Down to 8*C over a spot in North-Western Scotland on the 13th! Edit: Let’s do also keep it friendly in here guys. Cheers!
  4. Indeed. I think just need to remember really we all have our own views and options on things, including that of the models - the weather ones that is It will, am sure, become busier in the next few months, so although I appreciate things won’t always run 100% smoothly, we’ll likely be having to dust off some of the unused stinky Netweather Dungeons to throw trouble makers into ready for Winter/late Autumn.
  5. Around 22*C here. Bright and sunny at the moment. Feels a bit like being transported back to what occurred in June with these type of weather conditions.
  6. Yeah, it is. At least September can still feel Summery enough, but I know what you mean, though.
  7. Despite the cloud earlier, it could feel as though July has just set in. Roughly 25*C at the moment
  8. Just something else to add - Although it would have taken a lot to have got a repeat of Summer last year (mind, it did get a bit too firey at times ), I thought ironically June this year was better than the one last year. Having said that, June 2022 was fairly good. Still one of the somewhat better ones at least.
  9. From one or two of the replies higher up, can definitely confirm being in one of those few places being invaded by the grey thing this afternoon. Though the cloud(s) look mostly connective and there is some patches of blue sky in between.
  10. Apart from a some very warm/hot days in June, it did seem like the Sumner was empty of warmth. Still an okay Summer, personally, but I think it would be easy to feel more disappointed by it had June turned out appalling. A fascinating way to describe it. That’s how I would see the sandwich of Summer too. The contrast between the boiling weather of last Summer and that of this year is just incredible (even without ignoring the fact that fluctuations between the general temperatures of one Summer to another can vary).
  11. With the mixed preferences we all have, what makes a season great will understandably vary. Cool and damp being a rocking Summer for one person and, for another, a mundane Summer. Some might not feel as though Summer gives up the ghost until later this month and/or sometime during October depending how the weather conditions. For me, this Summer was easy to find during June. Cool start, but a good deal of sunny spells and sone much warmer periods developed. Reasonable for storms too, though the intensity of the strongest downpours tended to divert to the West and East of this part of Solihull. It then seemed like Summer was difficult to find during July. Mostly pretty wet and underwhelming overall. Had a few okay moments though. During August, Summer felt up and down like a yo-yo, but was a fairly reasonable month overall. Pretty rubbish for storms, however. It feels like just as September steps into the spotlight, Summer has seemingly decided to sneak on back… How did you guys find this Summer?
  12. Regarding a slightly earlier comment, to me, I don’t think I would class a month being wet from one day of heavy storms/rain. The dry days would far outweigh the odd day or two of rainy, stormy, weather to feel as though it was wet overall. Plus, the ground would just dry up quickly again. Aside from how June has gone this year, desperately need to get hold of a weather repair guy just so this Summer can be fixed!
  13. It is also possible the UKMO near, and right at the end of, its run could try to bring more of that Azores dude (High) into play - the secondary developing Low in the Western Atlantic tries to dig South/East which, if the run went out further, could help throw up some ridging North-East through the UK.
  14. Couple of pics earlier where the clouds turned devilish and scuddy from the stormy shower that exploded and expanded few miles East of Solihull towards Western parts of Coventry around 4:20/4:30pm
  15. For some fun, the 00Z JMA is one of the models that has Low Pressure to the South-West of the UK making some in-roads East through Southern areas around the weekend and into early next week. Would bring some rain, showers and thunder for places, especially across the South in the cyclonic South-Easterly to Easterly flow. But then, as this Low clears away East, it allows the neck of the Southern Icelandic/Northern UK High to build back over the UK from the West to settle the weather down again and become more relaxed:
  16. I suspect the ECMWF wanted to hide how hot it could get… This version of it seems to be running okay on Meteociel: https://www.meteociel.fr/modeles/ecmwf.php At 168 hours, has both the ridge to the South-South-West and over North-Eastern UK building quite strongly over us, Seems to have also now suddenly caught up to 168 hours on Wetterzentrale too
  17. Mario should just come over to the North-East of the UK and lob continuous fireballs at the sunshields in that area.
  18. Around 20*C here (which is still pretty pleasant despite the wind). Nice that some of you are reaching that 25*C+ mark. Maybe a change of something a bit stormy over the weekend, especially the later part, though get a feeling the storm shield here may remain strong (although surprises do happen).
  19. Looking fairly toasty and humid on the ICON 00Z towards the weekend and in parts of early next week for the UK, as the Low Pressure to the South-West of the UK whips up periods of moody and moist Southerly flows bringing on and off periods of rain and thundery weather, Northwards: At one point during midnight on Sunday where 15*C 850hPa temperatures brush by very close to the East coast! If snow could fall during warm, muggy, weather, the snowflakes would be sweating like crazy Also, the early bird GFS run is looking very warm and thundery on Saturday for most of England and Wales in that unstable wavy South to South-Easterly flow: Something there for storm enthusiasts, and/or those looking for their rain shields to explode, to sink their teeth’s into. Before that possibility - the details of which towards the weekend will continue to change - the next few days look to bring some further settled and, at times, (especially for Western parts), some sunny periods of weather with the Northern/North-Western UK High Pressure being in control. One other thing worth saying, is to continue to try keeping things respectful and friendly on here, please. After all, we all have our own weather preferences plus likes and dislikes of various things. Thanks all, and carry on with the great work
  20. Pleased you had great weather during your holidays in both the Peak District (very nice area around Ashbourne) and in Wales. The weather can be well behaved… sometimes!
  21. Glad some of you to the East and South-East are getting a brighter/sunnier start today. The fluff is ruling the Solihull skies this morning. But, there is a reasonable amount of blue gaps between the fluff.
  22. Am probably one of the few that also like brussel sprouts. Mostly anyway. They’re like puny cabbages to me. One aspect that does seem to be continuing to stand out is how Spring was a slow burner in terms of temperatures for many. Quite amazing really enduring the whole season without much of a very warm spell. But it did seem like North-Western spots faired the best. I mean I don’t expect Spring to be dominated by warm or very warm spells too often as it can typically have quite a portion of cooler periods. More especially at the beginning. I think, however, to not really have a period of very warm temperatures, particularly later into the season, was a bit unusual (even though last 2 weeks of May had some warmer moments, albeit some chilly mornings).
  23. I does feel like some of those sunshine shields over Eastern/South-Eastern have had their fun now. Was about time they gave out and brought some longer spells of sunny weather for some of you in those parts (which I suspect will become increasingly likely throughout this afternoon).
  24. It’s like the Atlantic caught a really bad case of fever making it too fatigued to take over the UK. Mostly sunny this morning, though with the temperature just around 8.5*C at the moment. Should warm up quite a bit with temperatures hopefully reaching the 20*C mark by early afternoon.
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