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Posts posted by Hailsowen

  1. Hmm... that part blizzard/part snizzle thing happened again. No matter, it's (un)officially been snowing constantly here in Halesowen for 10 whole hours! Here's to the half a day mark now. (And hopefully another wave from the south!)

    Doesn't matter if not though, absolutely everything covered and the old car (offical snow measuring spot, settles there first) has almost half a foot and still rising, although I fear it may start to callapse off soon! :acute:

  2. Just under 9 hours of constant snow now (albeit a heavy spell and then snizzle), and it's built a depth of a third of a foot near me (4 inches/over 10cm)!

    Although I've been about (on foot, no way of getting a car up my road) and the rest oh Halesowen appears to have had less, say about 2 inches. It just shows how localised things are.

    If this continues, I'm hoping to get to the magical half foot! :(

  3. Hmm, I'm not sure whether I shall call this heavy snow or not:

    Just in the last few minutes, from little-to-nothing falling out of the sky, there suddenly burst a storm of flakes. Not big, but there were so many I couldn't see as far as across my road. That doesn't usually happen even in proper heavy snow here... I wonder what caused that? :unknw:

    But either way, all of this in Halesowen is moving Birmingham's way. :lol:

    Also it appears to have maxed out today, falling temps now.

    Air Temp: 0.6C

    Dew point: -0.4C

    It's still snowing quite well, and no thaw appears to be happening.

  4. Hmm... I knew it wasn't right. 'Apparently' the dew point here has plummetted more than half a degree to 0.1C in less than 5 minutes... :D

    EDIT: Hm. Must have worked, because now the snow is solid, no more water mixed in. I wonder if I tamper with the thing I could make it go much lower... :D

  5. Pleased that the MO said that Birmingham managed a (very technical) white christmas yesterday.

    Warnings about Tuesday & Wednesday stand from them as well.

    Still, whatever will be, will be. Nothing I can say or do that would send me to the Isle of Wight where they're enjoying 11C. Or even in Aviemore, which records things like -7C in the middle of the day.


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