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quantock girl

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Everything posted by quantock girl

  1. Being an optimist, the one positive going on the BBC weather at lunch time was that Friday's rain to snow starts down in Cornwall. Usually the battleground is East Devon/West Somerset boundaries and it is then the freezing rain scenario hits me while Bristol gets the fun and games. The battle is not yet lost - but I wish it was Friday already... or
  2. That's a pretty big stretch - I'm in that area (just) so will keep checking, there was no cloud about an hour ago.
  3. There's a warning for West Somerset - what for?? Rain and wind...'cause that's what happening outside. (Love Padstow too by the way) And, while I sound like I am having a moan, why do the main BBC forecasters insist on dithering over SE graphics while covering SW with their arm/hand/sleeve - it's impossible to see what is going on, hopefully the white blob on Friday/Saturday will be so MASSIVE nothing will obliterate it.
  4. WAS THAT IT??? Going to go and eat massive amount of chocolate - and check outside every 5 mins!!
  5. Just started to snow here. Very light though.
  6. Is there a place for questions and answers anywhere? It's just that I watched the BBC video about SSW and the plunge of Arctic air about to descend into north America - is that a good thing for us???
  7. I'm with you Mullender. I watched it about an hour ago and it looked lovely and white for SOME of us. The first band sweeps through and then the event for some of us comes in. Difficult to guage, always changing, but fingers and toes crossed. Off out so will check later, wine may blur it all into a happy picture nearer midnight.
  8. Cold rain has forced me back inside just in time to catch the BBC weather a few minutes ago. Looks like BBC are going for that band of rain to turn to snow for the SW (not the far SW though - sorry guys, but things can still change...) on Monday, rather than travelling further East. I know things will change, but that forecast falls more in line with the fax charts posted this morning. Still evolving, still changing, but at least a chance!!
  9. They'll be crying when it shifts westwards even more!!! Mind you we can have snow down here and everything stops does it make the news? Nah!! Just some library shot of a farmer in a flat cap feeding sheep... Keep naked snowdancing - who ever you are!!!
  10. There is still an 'if' in the above statement... ...but certainly better than the drizzle given on the morning chart today. What a turn around in just a few hours. Still noting the stuff tomorrow night is progressively Westwards too - let's not give up all hope yet!!
  11. Yes, a slight pain to see Carol's graphics further East than Ian's were yesterday. But as the rain for Saturday has been moved I'm not going to over worry about rain/snow on Monday, I would have thought that these movements will alter over the next 3 days anyway. More pleased to see cold arriving and staying - that's the first ingredient needed for snow.
  12. Just checking my signature/location has worked. Just preparing in case those few,fluffy, flakes want to float down onto me us!!
  13. They're waiting for Ian's forecast - just under an hour to go! Horrible afternoon - not truly cold (7) and rain, miserable rain, more rain and still it's raining...lighting a fire and delving into large box of chocolate and a nice warm Merlot!!
  14. Just come from the mad house!! No clearer for me either - let's say it will get colder, it might squeeze some white stuff out of the sky for us, it might not. The best snow events for me have always been forecast just hours before, not days. The best one was 2010 when a little low built up over France and trundled NW, it just turned to snow and stalled, that was only forecast about 6 hours before the event.
  15. Depressing isn't it! I have actually dreamed of getting up in the night and looking out into thickly falling snow and then woken up and looked out onto green, damp green everywhere.
  16. Can't see how many are viewing the model thread - mods can you see??? Will it be over 1300???
  17. I have a -10 (lovely lilac colour box) for one night next week - WOW!!! Snow risk up graded (yes, I know it will be gone by tomorrow )
  18. I logged out for a few minutes, but it's no good I had to come back. Thank you, thank you, thank you for whoever did the naked snow dance - it may have worked
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