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Arctic Hare

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Everything posted by Arctic Hare

  1. Got up to have a drink... it's snowing here in Bewdley. Light and rather wet, but it *is* settling on the road. Looks like the main precip will be further west, of course. Edit: sleety rain now and dusting is melting. Not the most awesome snow event of the winter!
  2. It's -0.7 °C here. To be honest I'm not getting excited, and might not even still be up were it not for the cricket, but maybe someone will get a nice surprise.
  3. Rob McElwee just now on BBC News mentioning "Wales and higher ground of the Midlands" for snow. "Higher ground". Oh well.
  4. Perhaps more significant than the headline temp: the dew point at Brum Airport is now -1 °C.
  5. That's a bit more encouraging. Not all that far away from you, but it's still up at 2.6 °C here.
  6. A pretty grotty day here as well. It's been around 5-6 °C since the early hours, with no sun, but plenty of murk and light rain. Feels cold, but isn't actually cold; the worst type of winter weather. A nice northerly with bright, cold days seems very attractive just now... shame we're not getting one Edit: some interest regarding Friday with this afternoon's output. The updated MetO regional forecasts now suggest wintriness on Friday morning -- and the NAE +48 follows suit, with snow shown over most of Wales and the Midlands for the 06-12h segment: NAE +48 (Fri morning)
  7. I'm just being mischievous here, as I know the setup is different, but I seem to remember an event when that looked likely, but against most of the forecasts the cold fought back and we had another day of snow, giving a weekend that before the last few winters was a real highlight. Yes, I'm talking about Feb 2007...
  8. A little freezing rain in Bewdley this morning, but by mid-morning it had changed to plain old rain, and we've escaped the problems parts of Shropshire have seen. In Stourbridge later, and it looked as though there was the vague remnants of a desultory dusting of snow on the edge of the town centre (near the bus/rail stations) but nothing more than that. I'm quite glad about missing the real freezing rain, to be honest, as I've only experienced really widespread freezing rain once (December 1995 in Bristol) and it was extraordinary. For example, I saw a 4WD Audi creep out of a side road at, literally, 5 mph... and it couldn't stop at the T-junction. At all. Just slid out halfway into the main road, entirely out of control. Thankfully there was hardly anyone else out so no contact, but it was scary even to watch, never mind for the driver.
  9. Still, I noticed today, just the tiniest bit of slushy ice still remaining in the shady spot behind the front garden wall where I shovelled it about a fortnight ago! Nothing at all still around in the open, though. Yet another gloomy day today -- it was briefly almost bright in late morning, but that was as good as it got. Max 3.0 °C, so actually a cold day; it just doesn't feel that way after last month!
  10. A very Merry Christmas (and indeed Happy New Year) to everyone; make it a good 'un! :smiliz34:
  11. My min on 3-4 Dec was dead on zero, which is a right pain as (I think) that doesn't quite count. Apart from that, the last time I didn't have one here was the night of 22-23 Nov. So 14/15 consecutive air frosts, counting tonight, but 15 consecutive zeros or below! I also can't recall a recent spell containing, as this one has done, four ice days (and a 0.0 °C max) - at any time of the winter. Snow cover hasn't been so startling. Seven consecutive mornings with snow lying by the Met Office definition; ten in terms of any sort of cover. My 14-day mean is now -1.41 °C. That's quite exceptional for this location at any time of the year - I didn't get close to that in January - and absolutely amazing for a spell that started in November.
  12. Here are a couple I took in Brinton Park in Kidderminster this lunchtime. There were any number of other people with cameras, too! I only had a very basic camera with me, so the quality isn't that good, but hopefully it gives an idea.
  13. Just about a "semi-dusting" here. Snowing light-moderately, and temperature down at 1.4°C, but it's too wet to do any better. Still nice to watch.
  14. Absolutely chucked it down a little while ago, with big flakes, but now back to the teeny tiny stuff. Radar suggests no more serious snow now, so nowhere near Dec 2000 levels (the best "band from the west" snow I can remember here) but I don't mind. Everything looks white again - well, orange - and all's right with the world.
  15. A balmy -0.3°C here in Bewdley, but like with others it's settling instantly, so we now have a nice white dusting on the roads again.
  16. Now snowing here in Bewdley. Very light and teeny tiny flakes, but lamp-post watch has done the trick. Temp -0.6°C.
  17. Yes, it's pretty similar here. My back garden looks very odd: the top half (which catches the sun) has been green all day, yet at the bottom end (where it's stayed shady) there's over an inch lying still! As far as tonight goes, I'm hopeful of seeing something here, especially as it's below freezing now (-0.6°C), though I would be very surprised if we managed the 8cm that December 2000 brought. Not that I'd complain!
  18. The snow is easing right off now. It's still falling, but only pretty lightly and with tiny flakes that feel (but aren't) sleety. Assuming we don't get any more than this, which the radar suggests we won't, the final total is 3 cm on the pavement. Not too bad.
  19. Oh yes, I remember that one! We were without power here for about 16 hours, I think. Luckily the town centre shops still had some power, so I walked down there and went to one of the cafés. Sadly I only had a little bit of money on me, and the bank cash machine wasn't working (it was a weekend, so I couldn't go into the branch either), so I could only afford a drink and a teacake! Still very welcome though.
  20. All surfaces now white. Snow depths now around 3cm on grass, 2cm on pavements/car roofs and 0.5-1cm on road. 0.4°C and steady light snow with small flakes, a bit like what fell on 13 Jan.
  21. Real, proper snow now in Bewdley. Down to 0.7°C and snowing steadily. Thin covering now on grass and car roofs and starting to add house roofs too. Roads still just wet.
  22. Actual snow now! Far too wet to settle, but decent-sized flakes and moderate intensity at times. 1.3°C.
  23. Back in Bewdley now and it's moderate sleet at 1.6°C. Slightly snowier in the heavier bursts, but no chance of anything settling, though.
  24. Still rain here, and right now I'd be thrilled with 2 snowflakes a minute! Oh well - I'll be back in Bewdley soon, so maybe that extra 50m of altitude will have an effect. I might even get some sleet again!
  25. Still sleety rain here. I have a nasty feeling that the cold will get here after the precipitation has (at least mostly) gone. I may be just that bit too far to the west, but we'll see.
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