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Everything posted by quest4peace

  1. Hi Gray Wolf Sorry it's taken so long to reply, but even my benefit of the doubt has dropped, regarding the ice situation Looking at how far above average the 2m temps have been above average during winter, it makes me wonder how long it will be before summer temps are that far above average? and so on. The bering sea is getting the ice, that should be on our side to my eye, is it simply down to the changed weather patterns? And does it mean there is a chance of conditions, where it may move back to more normal areas/ice levels our side?. Didn't know paleocrystic ice was the norm around that area? (Kara/Barents) just shows how much has changed doesn't it,i thought it had always been seasonal just proves what's gone on really
  2. 2m sufaceTemps in all areas of the arctic looking colder and colder which i'm sure is to be expected except... you guessed it kara/barents?? will those deeper blues ever get over to our side at any point i wonder?
  3. Arctic 2m surface temps finally looking a lot colder, over a bigger area as of the latest temp map. Green is Anywhere from 0c to -20c Lighter blue seems to be about -19 to -25? And dark blue is anything from -25 to -45c DMI/COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | [Arktis]
  4. A northerly for us,at the cost of the ice in that area?. I'd rather have the ice still in tact, and us get a cold north westerly or NE/E from Scandinavia and Russia. Heck i would even take a really mild european winter, if it meant the ice had a chance of recovery up there, and this is coming fom a cold and snow lover.
  5. Slight under statement by me there Is this unheard of or can it happen in any given year?
  6. Worrying shot from the IJIS Amsr Extent and Concentration map for today. Anybody notice the big crack developing just off North eastern greenland?? Blue streak of open water has suddenly appeared?
  7. Data error for ijis? Bering has been above average in recent days, from what i can see on cryosphere today
  8. Some positives at last Here's the most up to date 2m surface temp map from http://ocean.dmi.dk/...cweather.uk.php Nice to see the really cold air covering more of a bigger area Temps of between -25c and -40c?
  9. Hi BFTV Hope it's not too little too late though and will the milder central arctic air, do any more damage to the central area ice? or will it still be cold enough to keep it stable . Colder air in russia could be good for snow cover increases though? The Ijis latest value : 9,374,063 km2 (November 20, 2012) Rise of about 127k? as of yestreday?
  10. The latest ijis value : 9,257,656 km2 (November 19, 2012) lost track of any increases /decreases because i haven't looked for while Do i see a slight up turning of the line? would be nice to join the main pack again at least,after being lowest on record most of the freeze season so far. http://www.ijis.iarc...aice_extent.htm And the Extent/concentration map as of yesterday Baffin showing thrusts of ice if you use the daily menu and our side is starting to extend as well at last all be it painfully slowly. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor RTG_SST_HR Analysis As far as sst anoms go, most of the arctic seems to be 0 to +1 so not massively over, and hudson looking below average Those sst's really are quite stubborn around kara and Barent's though although maybe a hint of them relenting a little? Svalbard still has a notable pool of way above average around it stopping any ice getting there for now.
  11. With all this going on i can't help but think of a new low next year now. I'd liked to think we still have enough months to avoid this but i don't know anymore
  12. http://ocean.dmi.dk/...cweather.uk.php The arctic just isn't that cold at the moment relatively speaking 2m temps in the arctic from the 10th And 2m surface temps from today temps are on the up .
  13. Snow holding firm in scandi just need a north easter now for some cold i reckon Ice on the Alaskan, Canadian side finally shutting up shop. Also the gfs projection of snow cover possibility for today. Immediately around us http://www.wetterpoo...gnosekarten.php
  14. When the gyre was mentioned on here i wasn't truly sure what it actually was. Didn't realise it was a creator of the thick multiyear ice.
  15. That map looks awfully like somebody has pulled a plug out and the thick ice is plunging away down it.
  16. Edit: Wrote something that didn't make sense, can i start the day again?
  17. Welcome guys I was just randomly googling weather sites and found this graph on the side panel of the site linked lots of other headings to play with over there as well WetterPool - Prognosekarten (GFS) / Wetterkarten und Animation Could be a dusting left in the mountains? from the snow we had not long ago? Because i notice cumbria and scotland is showing snow as well, all be it not much?
  18. Here's a map of the areas immediately around us with snow and what i think is depth measurement figures. WetterPool - Prognosekarten (GFS) / Wetterkarten und Animation
  19. My that is one heck of a stretch of plus 20 surface temp anom above russia and siberia Ridiculous in fact Paltry, paltry, 75k gain on IJIS as of yesterday. The latest value : 8,323,438 km2 (November 9, 2012) Current sst anoms from DMI http://ocean.dmi.dk/...te/index.uk.php Current 2m Surface temps in the Arctic according to http://ocean.dmi.dk/...cweather.uk.php Blue areas are below -20C.Just look how small that area is though? Green areas are anything between +5c and -15c,+5 would be warm for a summer day,wouldn't it? Current mean Arctic temps above 80n http://ocean.dmi.dk/...meant80n.uk.php Here is a better map showing temps in degrees C from http://www.wetterpoo...gnosekarten.php Clearly shows the area of warmer air cutting straight through the Arctic with cold temps either side.
  20. Updated chart of todays extent and concentration from IJIS Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor Since the sixth there has been a gradual reduction in ice from the kara, and even part of the arctic basin areas on our side of the world??. Ice still not touching svalbard either. Baffin expanding a little quicker now at least, hope it continues. looking at the sst anoms, they are in quite a distinct line, enveloping svalbard, kara and even part of the basin in a warm blanket of water. While the uk has negative anoms around it in general?other than a negligable +1 around the irish sea.Any wonder i'm confused
  21. Too much going on at the moment for me to grasp properly at the mo I suppose some people are taking a break from the thread, because of how depressing it is up there at the moment, and hope the next time they tune into the thread, things have improved, or at least on the face of it?. I'm just going to stick to posting the charts for now and see what you guys with more knowledge read in to them as i'm getting dizzy with it all
  22. Wish i had an answer I really do people seem to of given up on this thread for now but we still need to post reports. Current sst Anom map from noaa http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/sst/ophi/ All i can see is wash of above average temps And current sst's http://www.ijis.iarc...aice_extent.htm The latest IJIS value : 8,248,281 km2 (November 8, 2012) Seems to be dropping even further below average looking at the droop in that line? And the nsidc chart http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/ Dreadful our side just look at the space above norway?? and around svalbard,finally closing alaskan side?,and baffin slightly sorry for it's self. Good to report Barrow iced up at least though
  23. Hi GrayWolf "In the short term at least" should of been added to the end of my last post Alas I do see the ice dwindling more and more in front of my eyes, I can see that, wondering how the polar bears etc are getting on in their new landscape. At the same time thinking to myself maybe next year,or the next or the next, there will be better conditions,admittedly being disappointed with a new record min being hit, year on year . I suppose were getting towards the amount of loss, that if it continues will end up with a point, where the amount of open sea(in the summer), will be too vast and be soaking up the 24hr sun even more and so will override any natural balancing forces regardless? Short of another tilt on the axis of the earth that is . Having hope isn't necessarily being blind,but without it what do we have?. We would be stupid not to accept what is happening before our eyes and choose to ignore it? I see that all to graphically . The feeling of powerlessness to do anything about the situation is quite awful. Therefore, all us non governmental people can do, is hope?
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