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Everything posted by shuggee

  1. It might be just me, but the autumn colours this year are stunning. Deep oranges and browns everywhere just now driving around Tweeddale.
  2. Read about it being viewable from Alloa overnight. They've had so many warnings.... Soggy Saturday in the woods: Yesterday - t shirt weather, but a busy Tweed....
  3. Fourth air frost at -1.7C. At 9am GFS 00z said 6C, the garden said -0.6C. Wish I had seen this coming so I could've covered some of the plants I am wanting to over-winter.....
  4. Rain and associated low cloud and grey skies cleared around 8.45am - with a defined edge to blue sky and sunshine. Now a mixed bag of cloud/sun. The transition is heading north and east - so there's hope yet! Low of 6.4C last night.
  5. Third air frost of the season here last night at - 2.7°C. Thursday - 0.7°C Saturday 0.0°C
  6. Third air frost at - 2.7°C. All the begonias are black this morning.
  7. Second air frost with min of 0.0°C. Beautiful day walking up Glenholm this afternoon
  8. Heavy hail passed through here too at 6.9C. This will probably be the wintriest weather we get now until end of February
  9. Chilly at -0.7C - first air frost Thick freezing fog too - driving this morning on untreated roads was fun and who doesn't put their headlights on when visibility is less than 50m? Here's the same shot with two hours between in the garden. The first at that low of -0.7C and the second just now at +1.7C.
  10. Minimum in my garden last night was 4.1C - but out at 8am and during the journey the car said 1.0C Just as the rain rolled in last night:
  11. A good day again. 18°C and fine. Not a bad day off for those of us taking the Edinburgh public holiday Our 10 week old Guinea fowl were given their freedom today - so cute and funny to watch Has anyone else kept these birds? Interested in any learning....
  12. Lovely day at 19.4°C blue skies until late afternoon. Couldn't resist - next weekend the start of "air frost count"?
  13. 18.2°C high here. Pleasant with high cloud, slight breeze and not at all humid.
  14. Car said 20C. Troon. Never been there before! And Finn's first beach experience as a grown-up. He was going mental!!!
  15. Swallows still around here too, especially by the Tweed. Walked the old railway into Biggar yesterday with that hound called Finn. 21C and dripping sweat it was that humid. Quite the chat with everyone I passed - phwaorr it's a warm one was the theme.
  16. 16.3°C max with brightness interspersed with blowy drizzle. Meh.
  17. Same type of day here. Sheltered under trees during one of those showers:
  18. Well this evening's weather is several degrees worse than forecast. Moan moan put me in a home. And with 56mph gusts. Lovely.
  19. Broughton Brewery Wee Jock. My session beer here... Howling northerly, blowing down the lum, but looking north from the back hill you wouldn't necessarily think so:
  20. Took this a wee while ago - cameo appearance from Finn with his cone of shame... Rain on and off here - nothing as heavy as Glasgow earlier and now Edinburgh.
  21. Sourdough is the current shuggee household craze. This was my other half's first attempt a few weeks ago: As for winter and brexit preparedness, @Mair Snaw quick shot of the spare bedroom shelves: Three years ago we were cut off in snow twice and both times for three days.
  22. "The rose and glow of approaching fire mistaken, for the rising sun" New Model Army - From Here
  23. Well that was fun. Six hours of it. And as others have said, that rain.... Minimum of 15.3C is quite something for here too. Got lots of video but the video compressor is on the other machine right now so will eventually post something. It was the constant rumble that got me as so unusual. And with strikes every 2 or 3 secs of course! Looking a the overnight radar it's almost as though my house was the thunderstorm factory from which most of the cells spawned over the western Borders/South Lanarks. Very weird - shall have a late BBQ more often!! A ten year event?
  24. Same sky as others here, and at a muggy 23.1C. No lightning or rumbles yet since the last outburst in June.
  25. 21.4 & 21.8°C yesterday and today, but such a different feel. Cloudy and muggy yesterday, whilst fresh and sunny today. Got jobs done including the always pleasant chicken coop mucking out. Finn just back from the vets with the cone of shame after the op to remove his crown jewels. Aww.
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